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Thread: New pension rules for overseas spouses

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  1. #1
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Damned GOOD POINTS, Lordna - especially the one about there being a partner at home to look after young children - which is how it was with my first [late] wife throughout OUR two kids' schooldays. As had been the case with my mum - and (dare I say?) MOST caring, sensible mothers - when my brother and I were growing up in the 1950s. Indeed, mine only decided to go
    out to work again (for the first time since marrying my dad in 1941) AFTER I, myself, got married in 1967 ... and that, I still remember her telling me, was MAINLY to escape the boredom
    of being stuck in the house alone all day.

    However, I wouldn't just vent your on the Tories when,
    in reality, it's more a "sign of the times" ... aided and abetted, of course, by successive Administrations (Conservative AND Labour alike) hell~bent on repeatedly dangling "carrots" to encourage married women to combine a full time job with raising offspring - instead of providing proper incentives that would enable them to concentrate wholly on their familial roles.

    ... therein lies the root of the problem!

  2. #2
    Respected Member lordna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    However, I wouldn't just vent your on the Tories when, in reality, it's more a "sign of the times" ... aided and abetted, of course, by successive Administrations (Conservative AND Labour alike) hell~bent on repeatedly dangling "carrots" to encourage married women to combine a full time job with raising offspring - instead of providing proper incentives that would enable them to concentrate wholly on their familial roles.

    ... therein lies the root of the problem!
    Your probably right Arthur. I was just so annoyed when i read the article!

  3. #3
    Respected Member DaveyWallis's Avatar
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    If people read the article they will see that it applies to those resident in the UK as well as overseas. There is no discrimination against those who choose to live overseas.

    "From 2016 onwards the state pension will be based entirely on your individual record and there will be no inheritance of state pension rights," he said.
    I don't see what is wrong with this.

    They are changing the rules from 2016 and giving 3 years notice of those changes.

    Those fortunate enough to already receive this will continue to receive it.

    There is a massive financial black hole and it has to be dealt with.

    People used to work for 50 years and get a pension for 5 before they passed away. With current life expectancy of say 85 you can get your pension for 20/25 years based upon contributions over 30 years.

    The maths ain't difficult - something has to give.

    Not only are people living longer they are staying healthier for longer. Quite capable of working beyond 65. 65 is the new 50.

    For those that want to retire earlier take out a private pension or make alternative arrangements.

  4. #4
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post

    ... therein lies the root of the problem!
    Yes ... and - by extension - the more married women (those with young kids, I'm talking about, here!) that are working ... the fewer job opportunities will be available for school leavers and/or College/University graduates. ... it's a vicious circle!

  5. #5
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Damned GOOD POINTS, Lordna - especially the one about there being a partner at home to look after young children - which is how it was with my first [late] wife throughout OUR two kids' schooldays. As had been the case with my mum - and (dare I say?) MOST caring, sensible mothers - when my brother and I were growing up in the 1950s. Indeed, mine only decided to go
    out to work again (for the first time since marrying my dad in 1941) AFTER I, myself, got married in 1967 ... and that, I still remember her telling me, was MAINLY to escape the boredom
    of being stuck in the house alone all day.

    However, I wouldn't just vent your on the Tories when,
    in reality, it's more a "sign of the times" ... aided and abetted, of course, by successive Administrations (Conservative AND Labour alike) hell~bent on repeatedly dangling "carrots" to encourage married women to combine a full time job with raising offspring - instead of providing proper incentives that would enable them to concentrate wholly on their familial roles.

    ... therein lies the root of the problem!
    Back in the days there was a choice Arthur the man of the house could scrape by on his wages so that his wife could stay at home and look after the kids. Now it seems impossible for the average working man to do that.

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