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Thread: Is CNI/CENOMAR needed for Unmarried Partner visa?

  1. #1
    Member tinzky19's Avatar
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    Is CNI/CENOMAR needed for Unmarried Partner visa?


    My partner and I have neither been married nor entered in a relationship akin to marriage before.

    We are applying for an Unmarried Partner Visa. Do we still need a CNI (from my partner) and a CENOMAR (from me) to submit along with our application? This is the bit that we are confused about now. We appreciate your help. Thank you very much.

  2. #2
    Respected Member bhem_bhem's Avatar
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    I don't think so.. CNIs are for people who are planning to get married.
    ''The grass may be greener on the other side of the fence but there still gonna be on it''

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tinzky19 View Post

    My partner and I have neither been married nor entered in a relationship akin to marriage before.

    We are applying for Unmarried Partner Visa. Do we still need a CNI (from my partner) and a CENOMAR (from me) to submit along with our application? This is the bit that we are confused about now. We appreciate your help. Thank you very much.
    Hi there Tinzky, welcome here to the forum.

    What is your nationality? and that of your partner?
    I guess you are thinking about making a Visa Application under the unmarried Partner Visa.
    Where are you located?
    Where is you partner located?
    Where are you considering making your application?

    Just to answer your very specific question.
    A CNI is usually only in order to secure a marriage licence in those countries that legally demand one.
    A CENOMAR ( Certificate of No Marriage Record) is available from the National Statistics Office (NSO) and is simply what its name implies. It is a certification issued by the NSO stating that a person has not contracted any marriage within the Philippines.
    The UKBA only suggest submitting official evidence that your and your partner's previous marriage(s) and/or civil partnership(s) have broken down permanently, if either of you has been married or in a civil partnership.

    They don't suggest submitting a CENOMAR in the case that you are single.

    Just a point to be aware of, but UKBA may question why you are either:-
    a) not married or
    b) have no intention to get married.

    How do you belive you are able to meet the key requirement under this specific Visa application to provide evidence that you have been living together, in a genuine relationship that is like a marriage or civil partnership (not like a 'marriage of convenience') for 2 years or more ??
    If you cannot do this your application will fall for refusal.

    Also, how do you or your partner envisage meeting the UKBA Financial Requirement ?
    If you cannot meet this your application will fall for refusal.

  4. #4
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    What if my partner who is a British citizen (a filipino who was givin his citizenship by descent) was previously married in the Philippines? I am applying as an unmarried partner. Do I need to provide his CENOMAR considering that he is now a British citizen? I am single by the way!

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by joey g View Post
    What if my partner who is a British citizen (a filipino who was given his citizenship by descent) was previously married in the Philippines? I am applying as an unmarried partner, Do I need to provide his CENOMAR considering that he is now a British citizen? I am single by the way!
    There's no requirement to provide a CENOMAR

  6. #6
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    thanks terpe

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