Hi Guys,
it has been a while since i posted anything so here goes..
I am posting this from Ozamiz City in Southern Philippines.I arrived here on the 26th October in Cebu were i met up with my friend from back home in N.Ireland, his girlfriend and of course Rhea who on the 26th November will be my wife.We stayed with my friends in apartments just on the fringe of Cebu at a cost of 950 pesos per night per room which was clean and safe enough.If this is a good price i can get anyone more info.We then headed on to Panglao Island Bohol were we got a package holiday which was for 3 nights/4 days.It included transfers to and from the hotel and also the boat journey.Total cost was 8,500 pesos for two people.We stayed at the Crystal Coast Hotel.The best thing was that they had a clean room and a good size swimming pool.On a negative side they were quite late picking us up and we had problems with some things needing repairs in the room but it was not bad overall.There are 7 of us going back after the wedding but this time we are going to another resort called New Horizon.We had a look the last time and it was fine and right at the beach.We just booked and never went through a travel agent.The rooms are 2,300 per night.

Of course i have been involved in all the wedding preparations since i arrived and for those who have gotten married here in Philippines you have an idea what i am going through.For example Rhea had picked out 2 wedding rings and had agreed a price but wanted me to go look at them.When i arrived with her the wedding rings went up by a few thousand pesos so of course i decided to buy else where.I cannot say i am really nervous yet but i am glad some of my close friends from Ireland will be here for a while to give support.The wedding as i said is the 26th November so will keep you informed.

On another note although i have been to Philippines before it was always here in Ozamiz city and i noticed a few differences when i got to spend time in Cebu & Bohol.Normal things for example like the price of things were much higher than Ozamiz like clothes & Food.Also here in Ozamiz you just see other white people from time to time so of course you get the normal things like being called JO and Americano but in Cebu there are that many white people no one gives you a second look.The most i paid for a meal for 2 in Bohol was 800 pesos and in Ozamiz i got a meal for 2 at a local filipino restaurant for 188 including drinks.At the end of the day its still all cheap compared to back in the Uk.Well i got to go as Rhea is saying something about picking flowers and givaways.I decided to wear the local Barong but not the one with flowers on it that Rhea had picked out for me.Her one was like wearing a tablecloth.Well i will be back with an update soon.

John :blink: