Originally posted by Eljohno@Nov 22 2005, 06:33 AM
I was talking to a girl over here who is from England and she got married to a filipino man and they had a wedding in Shangrila Hotel in Cebu and 35 guests turned up who were not invited and the couple had to pay an extra 1,600 pesos for each of them.One white guy turned up who no one knew with a filipino no one knew and he had the nerve to order a bottle of wine at 2,500 pesos and charged it to the wedding couple.Of course they refused to pay for it as they told the hotel that extra drinks were to be paid for by the people who ordered them..

Sounds like you might want security on the door and only let people in with invites, seeing as it is traditional to 'freeload' in the PI. People will wander in who don't even know anybody, and they'll suck down all your booze and then have the nerve to complain when it's all gone.
Good luck though, and have fun.