Thought we were doing the right thing by paying £108 pounds to a local authority near by to us ,who would in,turn check and photocopy our documentation for the wife and daughters set m visa ,and also forward it to the uk border agency ,what a total nightmare ,when we first met the member of staff dealing with our application form it was openly obvious that she had a very serious attitude problem,her mannerism was terrible and her customer service skills were worse ,she first of all asked for to see all our passports then she photocopied them and handed us them back ,i tried to point out to her that according to what i had read on the set m guidance notes my wife and daughters passports had to be submitted along with the set m application,she abruptly told me i know what im talking about as i do this job every day and i can assure you your wrong,after a minute or two she then said if it makes you any happier then ill just call the border agency to confirm this ,she lifted the fone ,in a matter of seconds she was seemingly talking to some one whilst staring right at us saying oh thats exactly what i said,she then came off the fone and sat down at the table opposite us and said no a photocopy will be acceptable they don't need your originals,from there things went from bad to worse she refused our birth certificates but asked for my daughters so she could photocopy it ,i then said listen im under no circumstances trying to tell you your job but our birth certificates are also down on the set m guidelines as part of the application ,she replied the uk border agency process up to a 1000 applications each day and submitting unnecessary paperwork is the last thing they need, eventually after a bit of disagreement on my behalf she eventually took both birth certificates ,the next slap on the face was when she was checking over my application form,she came across a foot note which we had put on the form regarding me claiming tax credits ,while she sat and read this she sniggerd and smirked and raised the occasional eyebrow, we felt as if she was judging our application and us rather than checking it ,all through the interview she was total ignorant towards us she also at one point said to the wife you have put the wrong answer down here to that question and then proceeded to score it out with a black pen then tick the other box ,but never asked my wife to verify the change by initialing the changed question, when we got home we checked the set m guidance notes and as far as i can see my wife and daughters passports should have been taken and posted along with the visa application by the visa checking service ,i have just finished writing a letter of complaint to the head office of the local authority who run this visa checking service along with an attachment of the ukba guidance notes for the set m visa, i also enclosed a letter which i received a few weeks ago,from the visa checking service that we used today which actually states that your wife and daughters passports wont be returned as we have to forward them to the ukba along with your application , i will keep you all well informed regarding this total nightmare,we honestly thought that we were doing the right thing by going through a visa checking service,and now it might jepordise my wife and daughters visa application as they never sent the passports ,i will keep you all informed off the outcome