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Thread: Totally humiliated today at our visa checking service for wife and daughters set m visa application

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  1. #1
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    thats very true ,the biggest problem regarding any foreign person,who is living here in the uk ,is that they are looked down upon by the majority of people , i see it every day,i thought that this countrys policy was equality,to be quite honest sometimes i feel ashamed to admit that im british,if i had the means to do it i would move to the philippines in a minuite

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamesy View Post
    thats very true ,the biggest problem regarding any foreign person,who is living here in the uk ,is that they are looked down upon by the majority of people , i see it every day,i thought that this countrys policy was equality,to be quite honest sometimes i feel ashamed to admit that im british,if i had the means to do it i would move to the philippines in a minuite
    I'm not disagreeing.
    How do you imagine a foreigner is looked upon in the Philippines?

  3. #3
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    well through my experience i personally feel that we are treated very well by the philippino people ,i can honestly say that i found every one to be nice towards me ,also may i add i am a well travelled person ,who over the years has lived in the middle east iran ,and was also caught up in the revolution there back in the late 70,s early 80s ,and again may i stress although there was much hatred towards the western world in iran at that time ,no one ever mistreated me or any of my friends or family there ,we also knew many of the hostiges who were also captured down in tehran ,and again they were treated humainly , the problem here is ignorance,a lot of people here are totally selfish

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamesy View Post
    well through my experience i personally feel that we are treated very well by the philippino people ,i can honestly say that i found every one to be nice towards me ,also may i add i am a well travelled person ,who over the years has lived in the middle east iran ,and was also caught up in the revolution there back in the late 70,s early 80s ,and again may i stress although there was much hatred towards the western world in iran at that time ,no one ever mistreated me or any of my friends or family there ,we also knew many of the hostiges who were also captured down in tehran ,and again they were treated humainly , the problem here is ignorance,a lot of people here are totally selfish
    That's interesting.

    My brother was an Attache at the British Embassy in Tehran, but had moved on to another appointment just before the revolution started. My sister however, WAS still there.

    She had only been in Iran 3 months and was working as a nurse at one of the hospitals in the Capital, when suddenly the rockets started flying over her accommodation. She had to be flown out, without pay or other compensation, poor girl.

    I still have a letter from her, written during the mayhem.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    .....She had only been in Iran 3 months and was working as a nurse at one of the hospitals in the Capital, when suddenly the rockets started flying over her accommodation. She had to be flown out, without pay or other compensation, poor girl.

    I still have a letter from her, written during the mayhem.
    I was in Tehran during the Christmas of 1978 and had felt uneasy during trips there for quite some time.
    I worked for a US owned company who insisted it was safe despite my doubts.
    I was hurriedly pulled out before the new year and barely made it to the airport due to so many people demonstrating on the streets.
    Pretty scary stuff.
    I remember I had to leave all my tools and my suitcase behind as the airport was under strict control. Just my carry-on.

    Sorry for the off-topic. Just jogged my memories.

  6. #6
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    was that merrabad ,and what company were you with at the time

  7. #7
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    i find that very hard to believe ,that especially an american owned company ,who were based in Tehran of all places ,advised you that it was safe and actually flew you over there to work even although marshall law had been declared there on the 8th of september 78 ,and also that all foreigners there were actually being advised to leave .although it was unoficial the revolution had actually started around that time , but wasnt actually announced untill january 79 , who was the company you worked for? they obviously did not think much of you,sending you there at that time

  8. #8
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    really ,we lived in tabriz had been there since 76 ,my dad god rest his sole actually went back there in the middle of the iran iraq war ,the company he was working with over there ,asked him if he would go back over there as.a representative on company buisness for them ,even although they had made him redundent, he quickly took them up on their offer as all our personal belongings were still stuck in customs over there,and my dad had a lot of good friends he was missing who lived there ,he entered the country on a months tourist visa ,as by that time the iatola komeini ,was against any foreigner working in iran ,after his visa ran out he was stuck in the country for 4 months before he managed to get out ,mike matrinco who was one of the hostages in iran was a close friend of hours but we were very friendly with a lot of them,iran was a beautiful country ,and the people like the filipinos were genuine ,my dad was offerd another job in manilla with the same company,but he declined as he was settled in iran, then months later there was a revolution we were sent home but my dad stayed on for quite a long time before returning back to the uk,im sure we knew some of the british embassy staff who were based in tehran ,leave it with me ill get back to you on that one

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamesy View Post
    thats very true ,the biggest problem regarding any foreign person,who is living here in the uk ,is that they are looked down upon by the majority of people , i see it every day,i thought that this countrys policy was equality,to be quite honest sometimes i feel ashamed to admit that im british,if i had the means to do it i would move to the philippines in a minuite
    Don't let other people bring you down, there's a lot of ignorant people everywhere.
    I am also a foreigner in this country whichever i purchased or pay it has to be a good service (if it is not, then i am not paying for it or i'll bring it back).
    with regards to checking service , I think they know what they are doing (if you paid for it let them do their job)..and the attitude , yes some people doesnt need to be in that job if they are not very costumer friendly.

    Any updates with your wife and daughters application yet??
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  10. #10
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    just received a letter today to for the my wife and daughter to go for their biometrics enrolment, im a great beleiver in that people should treat one another with respect ,we all came from the same place ,but some people.whether its money or what ever seem to think that they are better than you ,and to be quite honest that really buggs me ,i have been fortunate in my life to have been given private education ,a good family, oppertunities that some people would give their right arm for etc etc but at the end of the day those are just meterial things and i have never thought my self to be any better than any one regardless of their circumstances ,as far as i am concerned we are all the same ,i would try to help any one if i could ,unlike others who just turn their noses up at people,

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