well here i go again ,is it just me and the wife who get all the problems or does every one on this forum get their fair share ,today my wife and daughter and i went in to the post office in st james centre edinburugh ,as my wife received a letter from the uk border agency ,asking her go and have her biometrics enrolled,and take along any dependants whom she had named on her ilr application ,to have their photo and fingerprints taken,i pointed out to my wife when we received the letter that only her name was on it ,and that her daughters wasnt, but we also noticed that there were 2 barcodes on the letter ,so i automatically thought ,ones for the wife and the other one is for our daughter, and as it was a joint application for their ilr then everything will be fine .so when we arrived at the biometrics counter in the post office, the man put the letter with the barcodes on it through the scanner to retreive their details,then he proceeded to take the wifes picture ,finger prints and signature ,once he had finished we automatically asked when he would be doing our daughters as she was a dependant and was inclueded in my wifes ilr application ,he asked us for the other letter that had been sent out for my daughter ,offcourse we replied what letter ,and went on to explain to him what i have just already said ,he advised us to phone the uk,border agency as he said we should have received two letters for the biometric enrollment one for the wife and one for the daughter,the wife phoned them and yes the guy at the post office was correct ,the girl at the border agency ,said she had no idea why we hadnt received my daughters letter ,and as we only get 15 working days to enroll ,they will send another letter out for her giving her a further 15 days to enroll her biometrics ,i honestly thought that as my wife and daughter applied together on one application then they should have been taken on the same appointment as she is a dependant and under 16,now we will have to go through it all again once my daughters letter arrives for her enrolment.what a carry on