Hello to all,
Im grace , just heard this forum from a friend of mine and its been a week since im reading some posts here. I'm only 20 yrs. old and my fiancé is 49 yrs.old. We met in DIA <online dating site> , and its been two months and a half now since we met online. His first trip will be on September, maybe I should only call us as an bf-gf because we were not yet engage he wanted to be engage us when we meet here in Philippines then we will let the week pass then we will going to apply for a fiancée visa because he has business that need to manage in Merseyside and I really understand that. Maybe he will be staying here for 2weeks or 3weeks.

I need to know what is the recquirements needed in applying fiancée visa, don't you think guys we will gonna have a problem with our gap of age? what is the waiting hours of fiancé visa?