Angelina Jolie’s decisions, not only to have a double mastectomy then reconstructive surgery, but also to declare in public that she had undergone surgery, were brave. Her risk – not diagnosis – of future breast cancer was thought to be 87% because of her defective gene ( which also increases her risk of ovarian cancer by 50% ). She deserves respect and best wishes for her future. Her own account can be read here ( thanks Rayna for link ) :-
Of course this raises awareness of genetic testing for risk of cancers and other illnesses. There are many implications – not just cost ( few people can afford the private treatment she chose to have ), but also a clear understanding of the options ( if a bad gene is identified ) for preventive treatment. Full medical appraisal and counselling are important before such testing.
There are also other options for reducing risk – or at least early diagnosis - of breast cancer. In any case at most 10% have known high risk genes, and other factors are more significant for the majority.
Breast cancer – of which there are several different types – is unfortunately common in both UK and Philippines, sadly with a worse outlook in the Philippines. For interested members, see separate thread in “ Health Issues “ section.