Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
I never said mass immigration was not labours fault. In fact I know it was. . Anyway stop crowing on about it because we cant do anything to put it right. There is no way back you will just have to accept it. In my and others situation right now I blame both parties. Labour let them in and the tories have made the new rules.
Andy the "new rules" were brought in solely to beef up the system and prevent the systematic abuse that was encouraged under Labours watch. If they were still in power we would still have untold sham colleges and fake students, there would be precious few raids on rogue employers, Abu Hamza and Abu Quatada would be sleeping soundly, Muslim groomers would be free to prey on vulnerable young girls - all in the cause of Human Rights, "multiculturalism" and rigging the future electorate. Remember the arrogant contempt Brown showed that former labour voting lady in Rochdale - "bigoted woman" he said and that is still the view of Balls, Millipede, Harman, Clegg and the rest of the bleeding heart liberal pseudo-intelligentsia.

Back in 1997 did you vote for Britain to become a multicultural cesspit and overrun by the absolute scum of the earth ? They must have kept that one well hidden in their manifesto