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Thread: British Citizenship (passport pic certified)

  1. #1
    Respected Member marylen's Avatar
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    British Citizenship (passport pic certified)

    Hi to all, please enlightened me, I am about to apply british citizenship this week , just little confused about the two passport that needs to send along with on the form, my questions are:

    -Do I need someone to certify the two passport pics?
    -if needs to cerity, is that okay one of my referee will certify the two passport pics?

    I get confused as I could not find the details regarding that matter. thank you very much.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by marylen View Post
    Hi to all, please enlightened me, I am about to apply british citizenship this week , just little confused about the two passport that needs to send along with on the form, my questions are:

    -Do I need someone to certify the two passport pics?
    -if needs to cerity, is that okay one of my referee will certify the two passport pics?

    I get confused as I could not find the details regarding that matter. thank you very much.
    I had a quick look at the form. I couldn't find where the form is asking for two passport photo's.
    Maybe I misunderstood, can you please look again and confirm where it requires two photos.

    I believe one passport sized photo attached to the form and two referees who fillout the form and sign the form

    Your application must be endorsed by two referees and a recent passport size photograph
    stapled or clipped into the space provided. The photograph must show the whole of the
    front of your face in reasonable light. It should not show your face wholly or partly
    concealed by your hair (beards, sideburns and moustaches excepted) or by a scarf or
    traditional dress. It should not show you wearing dark glasses or a hat, hood, cap or scarf.
    Each referee should have known you personally for at least 3 years.
    One referee should be a person of any nationality who has professional standing, such as a
    minister of religion, civil servant or a member of a professional body, e.g. accountant or
    solicitor (but not representing you with this application). A list of acceptable professional
    persons can be found on our website.
    The other referee must be the holder of a British citizen passport and either a professional
    person or over the age of 25.
    Each referee should be:
    • not related to you
    • not related to the other referee
    • not your solicitor or agent representing you with this application
    • not employed by the Home Office
    We will not accept a referee who has been convicted of an imprisonable offence during the
    last 10 years (unless that conviction can be disregarded in line with the table shown on page
    16 of the Booklet AN)
    If you are living abroad and do not know a British citizen who is qualified to act as one of
    your referees, a Commonwealth citizen or citizen of the country in which you are residing
    may complete and sign the form, provided he/she has professional standing in that country,
    has known you for three years and the Consul considers his/her signature to be acceptable.
    Checks may be carried out to ensure that the referees do not have unspent convictions and
    are qualified to act for you and that their signatures are genuine. It is a criminal offence to
    provide false information knowingly or recklessly punishable with up to 3 months
    imprisonment or by a fine not exceeding £5,000 or both under section 46(1) of the British
    Nationality Act 1981.
    Once you have two referees and they have completed Section 5 you should recheck the
    information you have provided and go to Section 6.
    Sorry if I'm mistaken.
    Please double check

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by marylen View Post
    Hi to all, please enlightened me, I am about to apply british citizenship this week , just little confused about the two passport that needs to send along with on the form, my questions are:

    -Do I need someone to certify the two passport pics?
    -if needs to cerity, is that okay one of my referee will certify the two passport pics?

    I get confused as I could not find the details regarding that matter. thank you very much.
    Hi Marylen. I've recently done my wife's citizenship and passport applications both of which are in her hot hands now ..anyway. ..For the citizenship application you need to have both passport sized photos certified by both refs.
    For the British Passport application it's only one photo to be certified and one uncertified.
    Best of luck

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Hi Marylen. I've recently done my wife's citizenship and passport applications both of which are in her hot hands now ..anyway. ..For the citizenship application you need to have both passport sized photos certified by both refs.
    For the British Passport application it's only one photo to be certified and one uncertified.
    Best of luck
    Where is it indicated on the Form AN (naturalisation) about a requirement to send 2 certified passport photo's ?

    I can't find anything.
    I can only find the requirement for ONE photo which must be attached to the form. Just as in post #2

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Where is it indicated on the Form AN (naturalisation) about a requirement to send 2 certified passport photo's ?

    I can't find anything.
    I can only find the requirement for ONE photo which must be attached to the form. Just as in post #2
    Good morning Terpe This is what I did Terpe. ...found myself 2 countersignatories as per requirement for the British Citizenship application. ..that we can agree on, even if you can't see where it says 2 countersigned passport sized photos required, wouldn't it seem logical that would indeed be the case. ..what would be the point if only one counter signer was going to sign his name on the back of the applicant's photo. In fact what would be the point of the 2 refs.
    I completed my wife's citizenship application in December. .This is what I did. .I used 2 of my work colleagues. She is now British.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Good morning Terpe This is what I did Terpe. ...found myself 2 countersignatories as per requirement for the British Citizenship application. ..that we can agree on, even if you can't see where it says 2 countersigned passport sized photos required, wouldn't it seem logical that would indeed be the case. ..what would be the point if only one counter signer was going to sign his name on the back of the applicant's photo. In fact what would be the point of the 2 refs.
    I completed my wife's citizenship application in December. .This is what I did. .I used 2 of my work colleagues. She is now British.
    It's in my nature to follow the requirements of the official form and the official guide, and to advise others to do the same.
    No more no less.

    The application form does not request 2 photo's. It requests ONE photo to be attached to the form in the appropriate space.
    The requirement is for 2 referees to endorse the application form in the space provided.

    The fact that you misunderstood the form & guide is not relevant.
    The fact that you provided misleading information is relevant.

    Form AN for Naturalisation requires:-
    ...Your application must be endorsed by two referees and a recent passport size photograph stapled or clipped into the space provided.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    It's in my nature to follow the requirements of the official form and the official guide, and to advise others to do the same.
    No more no less.

    The application form does not request 2 photo's. It requests ONE photo to be attached to the form in the appropriate space.
    The requirement is for 2 referees to endorse the application form in the space provided.

    The fact that you misunderstood the form & guide is not relevant.
    The fact that you provided misleading information is relevant.

    Form AN for Naturalisation requires:-
    I beg to differ. ..I've based my contribution on actual experience of just a few months back. .it's not my intention to lead anyone up the garden path. ..I've contributed in good faith. .the end of the day not only did i get 2 countersignatories ,for good measure I got them to counter sign 2 passport sized photos. .like I said. .I'm not trawling through paper work to answer questions. .im basing my answers on actual experience. .I forgotten how pedantic things are. .hayho. .I'll just keep my trap shut and comment on Filipino UK stuffs like football and whatnot

  8. #8
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Chaps ... I could not help being intrigued to read the "debate" between the two of you. Here, then, are MY conclusions - based on the copy we kept from a year past March when Myrna applied for naturalisation - using the National Checking Service operated by Edinburgh City Council:-

    Whilst TWO referees are required to complete and sign Section 5 of Form AN, only ONE of them need act as a countersignatory on the reverse side of the passport~size photo.

    So, no harm done, Mark ... Jane successfully obtained her British Citizenship. And that, after all, is what matters most!

    Congratulations to BOTH of you.

  9. #9
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    And, to Marylen ... my very best wishes with your forthcoming application.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Chaps ... I could not help being intrigued to read the "debate" between the two of you. Here, then, are MY conclusions - based on the copy we kept from a year past March when Myrna applied for naturalisation - using the National Checking Service operated by Edinburgh City Council:-

    Whilst TWO referees are required to complete and sign Section 5 of Form AN, only ONE of them need act as a countersignatory on the reverse side of the passport~size photo.

    So, no harm done, Mark ... Jane successfully obtained her British Citizenship. And that, after all, is what matters most!

    Congratulations to BOTH of you.
    Thanks Arthur. ..i did a check, alas you are right, I needn't of bothered getting both certified. .silly me ....apologies Terpe. .I really hope I didn't rub you up the wrong way ..that's always a very unpleasant experience. .I tend to vent out on the wife failing that give the cat a good kicking if that happens to me.

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