IMO this matter is far from over. Both Thornton and Simons should be sacked on the spot because both of their organisations failed to protect vulnerable children despite warning signs.
I saw Simons being interviewed on the news and how she wished to learn lessons from this episode. Well I'm sorry darling but at £182k a year you and some of your colleagues should be looking for another job.
I'm sick of seeing leading Muslims being wheeled out to say that society needs to address this problem and not all muslims feel this way about young white girls.

off you lying slime balls. There have been enough cases recently to show that many many Muslim males feel that young white girls are trash and it is acceptable to treat them this way.
Finally there can be no doubt whatsoever that these are
racially motivated hate crimes and the sentences should reflect this. Society needs to be protected from this scum for a very very long time if not forever