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Thread: Angelina Jolie undergoes double mastectomy

  1. #1
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Angelina Jolie undergoes double mastectomy

    If you want to read her article about it, go to this link..
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  2. #2
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    In all serious that must have been a difficult decision for her
    I like seeing her in films

  3. #3
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    What a very brave young lady.

    Nothing more to say.

  4. #4
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    In reducing her chances of developing breast cancer from 87% to less than 5% I'd say she is both brave and sensible.
    It's good that she's told her story as it may well benefit other women in a similar situation.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    In reducing her chances of developing breast cancer from 87% to less than 5% I'd say she is both brave and sensible.
    It's good that she's told her story as it may well benefit other women in a similar situation.
    Yep, it makes sense to do the research and follow the pathway.
    Quite of lot of people find they have a family issue with breast cancer as well as other 'hereditary' illnesses and will hopefully now seek expert help.
    As reported, the genetic flaw that was found in her case is extremely rare, seems she had little choice really.
    Support of the partner and family is key.

    Well done to her for having the motivation to share her story.

  6. #6
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    Angelina Jolie’s decisions, not only to have a double mastectomy then reconstructive surgery, but also to declare in public that she had undergone surgery, were brave. Her risk – not diagnosis – of future breast cancer was thought to be 87% because of her defective gene ( which also increases her risk of ovarian cancer by 50% ). She deserves respect and best wishes for her future. Her own account can be read here ( thanks Rayna for link ) :-

    Of course this raises awareness of genetic testing for risk of cancers and other illnesses. There are many implications – not just cost ( few people can afford the private treatment she chose to have ), but also a clear understanding of the options ( if a bad gene is identified ) for preventive treatment. Full medical appraisal and counselling are important before such testing.

    There are also other options for reducing risk – or at least early diagnosis - of breast cancer. In any case at most 10% have known high risk genes, and other factors are more significant for the majority.

    Breast cancer – of which there are several different types – is unfortunately common in both UK and Philippines, sadly with a worse outlook in the Philippines. For interested members, see separate thread in “ Health Issues “ section.

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