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Thread: A sorry end for Ferdinand - a man who wanted to have the last word

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    A sorry end for Ferdinand - a man who wanted to have the last word

    A sorry end for Ferdinand - a man who wanted to have the last word

    Rio Ferdinand said it was the right time to retire from international football. How so, with a World Cup only a year away? He said the England team was in great shape. Did he pay attention to the second half of the game in Montenegro? He said there was an influx of young, talented players coming through. In his position, Phil Jones aside, would he care to name them?

    Is there ever a right moment to walk away from England? Not like this. Ferdinand should have gone out shoulder-high, as one of the greatest defenders — or defensive midfield players with a little more imagination on the part of his managers — that this country has produced. Instead, he leaves, if not a pariah, then certainly unlamented.

    His statement will be seen by many as the final act in a game of one-upmanship. It is a messy, petty end to the relationship, as if Ferdinand’s priority was getting the final word. Maybe he wanted to show he left England, England did not leave him. Maybe he thinks he wins this way; but what has he won, really?

    In San Marino and Montenegro, the last two England internationals, fans heaped abuse upon him. That becomes as much the last word as this announcement and, now unresolved, will fester.

    It will take a long time before this unsatisfactory conclusion to Ferdinand’s international career is forgotten. He is perceived to have let down England, to have behaved selfishly, and that is a stance not easily forgiven. Of course, had he returned to the team, he may well have been booed. So, it will understandably be argued, why would he want to play for his country again? Because leaving this way is worse.

    From the day last summer when Roy Hodgson took John Terry, and not Ferdinand, to the European Championship there have been issues. Ferdinand sees himself as a media player and his organisation has an active media arm. His dissatisfaction with Hodgson’s call became well known, particularly as Ferdinand thought his England career the collateral damage in Terry’s racism case. He had a point, even if Hodgson was placed in an impossible position.

    And then, in March, the manager relented. Ferdinand earned a recall but then withdrew, late, citing a long-standing medical issue that could easily have been made plain months before. England were left with a makeshift defence for a crucial away fixture. The fans turned. They saw it as Ferdinand playing games with England. Their scorn rained down.

    And now this. An announcement that many will say confirms those prejudices. Some will allege that Ferdinand never wanted to be picked by Hodgson. He just wanted the chance to say no thanks, and in public. That is an unproven judgment. Ferdinand is 34 and nurses his body through each season. If he fancies being more than a bit-part player for Manchester United under David Moyes, something has to give.

    Yet in retiring now, it looks as if Ferdinand has spent a year playing hard to get. This was a great player, one of the finest of modern times. He deserved better, but so did England.

    Read more:

    Ferdinand - Uber Chav

  2. #2
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    He was a very good player but also a tit and even I find it laughable he has retired form the national team-as if he was ever gonna get another chance

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    He was a very good player but also a tit and even I find it laughable he has retired form the national team-as if he was ever gonna get another chance
    I always thought Fergie indulged him a bit too much - he's the type that Moyesey will relish stamping on to remind them who's in charge

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