Yes, i did.but,mine was Recognition of a Foreign Divorce..It was difficult, because after i got the finality,I went to the local civil registry they gave me 8 sets of documents,they said to me i had to go to The Civil Registry in Manila and I gave them the 5 sets of documents and etc. waiting time 10 working days to get my Certification from them and my stamp documents and I went to the NSO Quezon Avenue to submit my legal documents from the Civil Registry in Manila for annotation of my Marriage Contracted Abroad,waiting time:20 working days i think. When i received the documents from the N.S.O i was very very happy.That Finally my divorce was recognise in the Philippines..I will never forget that feeling.
But anyway,If you order a CENOMAR,they will give you a Advisory of Marriages and you can see your previous marriage with annotation:void or annulled(not sure)..Mine was annotated:with Foreign Divorce Decree.
The N.S.O will issue a CENOMAR to a person that never been married.![]()