Quote Originally Posted by wynna View Post
I think being CHEAP here doesnt refer to the materialistic HOW MUCH you've spent on your wives/gf or how much more dosh to splash on them.

I think CHEAP in this context is meant as the emotional degrading and belittling of filipinas.
i agree with u sis,sometimes it is also viewed that filipinas with foreign bf are cheap because some people looks onto the relationship with monetary value.
They think we only love our foreign bf/husband because they have money..
They dont understand that when ure truly inlove ure not looking for race,or physical characteristics,its the character and attitude of the person u love..

Maybe they are just envious because they cannot make foreigners fall for them..so i guess everybody here who have a foreign especially british bf/husband we should be proud of it..and dont mind all those people who are saying no nice things,after all it's our life..