gWapito if she is a victim of domestic violence why should she go back to her own country ? its not her fault her husband is violent

and she would need evidence of domestic violence, doctors report, police report etc. they have a right to be protected especially if they have children who are British citizens
also if not a victim of DV, and they have children she can apply for 'best interests of the child' to stay and see her child.
no they don't need ILR, they need to be a victim of domestic violence.
5yrs is along time, not many will stay with someone they dont like for 5yrs just to get ilr !, sure it happens but going from my experience on here , that's rare, and if you have concerns about your wife just wanting ILR then you've got doubts about your relationship ,why did you marry in the first place
also 5yrs is unfair what happens if your spouse works straight away when she arrives in the UK, shes paid tax for 5yrs before she can claim any benefits

, yet Europeans working in the UK can after months