Quote Originally Posted by Pete/London View Post
I am sorry to hear of your troubles and I wont bore you with details of my previous life.
If I could just say one thing, if you are living in UK DONT move out what ever the provocation, stay out the way and try to let things cool down.
Good luck
Thanks Moy. ..This isn't PND. .I've experienced that with my first wife. .Thanks Pete. .she says if I love our boys as much as I do I would leave now without question. .of course I love them! She says hear they are safe. .anywhere else they won't be. .I'm in such a bad situation. .damned if I do damned if i don't. .to hell with me it's the babies welfare. .yet they no nothing of what's going on. .always laughing ..such happy babies. .I'll do anything for them. .my mother in law teeth have broken this morning so I must fix them. .mama been such a big help since being here since March. .she's a good women. .she cries when things get bad. .I don't argue with Jane. ..I do at every one else's peril. .I can't level any criticism or anything constructive without war breaking out. ...