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Thread: Visiting the family

  1. #1
    Respected Member marksroomspain's Avatar
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    Visiting the family

    Hi guys my wife is taking a holiday back to the Philippines with our son to visit her family and will be staying 5 weeks.

    The question I want to ask is does my wife need a letter of authorisation off me took take our son out of the country and how should that letter be compiled thanks...

  2. #2
    Trusted Member
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    If your son has his own passport, or is on your wife's, then no , your permission is not required.

    My ex wife was able to do this on several occasions.

    In fact at 9 years old he travelled back from the Phils 'unaccompanied'. A child with a Filipino passport can't do that, well not without a great deal of paperwork.

    That's why we made sure he had his own British passport at 2 months old, so that he could travel with either of us...together or separately.

    For anyone NOT wishing their wife to take their child/children out of the country, then a court injunction can easily be taken out, from a Judge, providing the child has a British passport.

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