Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post
In Thailand they invite you to the province to meet the family
The brother normally turns out to be the Thai husband or bf

I must admit i do get slightly wound up when i see a farang/kanu being treated like a doormat
The sad part is normally the guy is happy to play along with it and is oblivious to whats going on
I am sure most of us have played the "deluded fool" before and we wont be the last

Thats my excuse for ending up bitter and twisted anyway
Most don't seek this information until they've already been smoked or the creature's spell is broken.

The idea is, is to put this information out into the FilipinoUk arena so at least the unsuspecting deluded fools amongst us may just be able to save themselves.

Keep the lambs from venturing into the vipers nest!