Hello there Dais, welcome here.
As a first step please take a look at this very short UKBA video called 'Guide to UK student visa'
Concerning your question about maintenance funding, in principle the answer is yes, your parents can be providers of money. However, you'll need to submit supporting documentation showing relationship and their permission to use such money.
There's are conditions and you should take time out to review the UKBA webpage called
Adult students - Tier 4 (General) - Your Money
Please be sure to follow the links, especially those at the bottom of the page
Also please do take time to read and understand the UKBA policy document here called
Tier 4 of the Points Based System – Policy Guidance
Take particular notice of the funding requirements etc.
Assets such as equity in property does not normally waive the requirement for monetary funding.
You may need to do some homework.
Hope that helps