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Thread: BIC For Her Medium Ballpoint Pen

  1. #1
    Respected Member cheekee's Avatar
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    BIC For Her Medium Ballpoint Pen

    You have to read the reviews.

    Some funny people out there

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheekee View Post

    You have to read the reviews.

    Some funny people out there
    Good find

    Make me wonder what you were searching out
    (Joke lang )

    Yes, interesting and funny reviews.

    I've taken the liberty to copy them here below :-

    By Mr. J. Stevens
    Normally I only use pens designed and created for real men, in colours appropriate to such instruments of masculinity - black like my chest hair or blue like the steely glint of my eyes, or the metallic paintwork of my convertible Mustang sportscar. Imagine then the situation I found myself in when, upon taking delivery of another shipment of motorbike parts and footballs, I reached for and grasped not my normal BIC pen, but a `BIC for Her Amber Medium Ballpoint Pen' (evidently ordered by my well-meaning, but ill-informed girlfriend whilst my back was turned). I knew something was wrong when I had to physically restrain my hands, gnarled and worn from a lifetime of rock-climbing and shark wrestling, from crushing the fragile implement like a Faberge egg. Things only went downhill from there.

    Normally my hand writing is defined and strong, as if chiselled in granite by the Greek gods themselves, however upon signing my name I noticed that my signature was uncharacteristically meandering and looping. More worryingly the dots above the I's manifested themselves as hearts, and I found myself finishing off the signature with a smiley face and kisses. Obviously I had no choice but to challenge the delivery man to a gun fight on the rim of an erupting volcano in order to reassert my dominance. Had I not won this honourable duel this particular mistake might have resulted in a situation that no amount of expensive single malt whiskey and Cuban cigars could banish. I leave this review here as a warning to all men about the dangers of using this particular device, and suffice-it-to-say will return to signing my name with a nail gun as normal.
    By daveyclayton
    I bought this pen (in error, evidently) to write my reports of each day's tree felling activities in my job as a lumberjack. It is no good. It slips from between my calloused, gnarly fingers like a gossamer thread gently descending to earth between two giant redwood trunks.

  3. #3
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    This review for Hair Removal Cream has been posted before, but it's still very very funny.
    I won't copy and paste for obvious reasons but I'll bet it makes you laugh.

  4. #4
    Respected Member cheekee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    This review for Hair Removal Cream has been posted before, but it's still very very funny.
    I won't copy and paste for obvious reasons but I'll bet it makes you laugh.

    You are right. It did

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