My sweetheart has a dongle on her lap top 7mbps often times the reception is aweful. She has metal roof but wheh she takes it outside its lots better. I am thinking of getting a dongle usb booster cable 5mtr max and run it out side where it can see the sky, do you think this will help?
I can get an active booster usb 2 cable for 200p.
Many thanks
sorry cant help you with that,but it does sound like a good idea
but im curious, does this booster cable , plug into an empty usb socket
or inline with the dongle? ( usb socket booster cable ,then dongle outside)
sorry cant help you with that,but it does sound like a good idea
but im curious, does this booster cable , plug into an empty usb socket
or inline with the dongle? ( usb socket booster cable ,then dongle outside)
Hi Imagine, sorry for delayed reply.. Yes it plugs int USB2 port with dongle at the end of the 5mtr cable. Yesterday we had perfect reception but then dropped off to Red on the scale and we had bad connection. May be we need to try another provider.
"Nothing ventured, nothing gained"
"It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all" Lord Tenneson.