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Thread: re-marrying a filipina in philippines

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    re-marrying a filipina in philippines

    Hi all,

    a few questions regarding remarrying a filipina, i married in 2010 to a filipina (im British) and then obtained a divorce in 2012 in the uk. I am now in the process of wanting to marry my new fiancee (filipina again) next year, she is single and has never been married. I wish to marry her in the Philippines as it will make things alot easier when we apply for her spouse visa to live here with me in the UK instead of having to go down the route of obtaining fiancee visa and than apply again when she is here in the uk for a spouse visa.
    I am aware of the family code article 26 which states that the divorce is recognised in the Phils however do i need to do anything else (apart from obtaining a non impediment to marry from the British embassy in taguig). I am aware that the NSO will still have a record of me being married, will this cause me a problem?
    any advice would be greatly appreciated

  2. #2
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    i should state that my first wife i married in manila

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I'm guessing you're already aware of the documentation (UK CNI) and process at the British Embassy?

    In principle you'll be OK in Philippines.
    However, you might consider checking [B]your[B] CENOMAR at the NSO

    There's no legal requirement for the foreign partner to produce a valid CENOMAR but.... quite often in these days the authorities that issue a marriage licence request it.

    I think it would be well worth double checking with the authorities where you'll get married as to just exactly what documents
    they'll be wanting. Forewarned in forearmed.

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