Louis i have not really replied to your threads, or really seen them. It looks like at some point you maybe have had an unhappy time in the philippines. That unhappy experience may have fudged your judgement of the filipino people and the country.
But i do not believe you have really experienced filipino hospitality at it's best. If you had then your opinions would be very differen't indeed. Louis i went there with over £12000 in 2002 and blew the lot in 6 months. I think a lot of visitors do.
When i was on my .... with no money, no visa, no home. Literally on the streets. Who do you think took me in? fed me, watered me, and gave me a home. Of course it was the Filipino people. The foreigners who took my money in the bars encouraged me to ring bells, and introduced me to countless girls, turned a blind eye.
Eventually i managed to get home. Sort myself out. Get a job etc. The very next year i went back and paid back all the good people that stood by me. And married my wife. The rest is history. And i am sure some members on this forum will have very similar stories to me.
It's good you said what you did my friend. I hope you will visit the country again and this time go look harder and experience the beautiful philippines. You will be be glad you did.
Once again i am sorry to comment on Louis's thread. I just could not resist sharing my experience in the philippines. And this was the perfect opportunity to do so.