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Thread: I'm sorry for my offending words

  1. #1
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    I'm sorry for my offending words

    I have thought long and hard over some of my words that I have posted and said on this site in regards to my experiences in the Philippines
    I realise that I should have chosen my words more carefully
    I want to extent my full apologies to all those that I have offended on here.
    I let my negative thoughts get the better of me, when I should have been focusing more upon my positive experiences. I am deeply sorry to you all here and elsewhere.

  2. #2
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    2 ears 1 mouth use them accordingly........ something more people should think about.

    Takes a lot for someone to openly admit they were wrong and apologise though, so well done

  3. #3
    Trusted Member jake's Avatar
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    Louis, i found your comments very offensive as did quite a few members on this forum. Whist i can never respect your original comments i do respect you for admitting you were wrong and apologizing.

    If you spend some time reading other forum members posts you may find they have a lot more experience and positive things to say about the Philippines.

    Try and learn more about your wife's culture rather than seeing everything as negative. You may find it invaluable one day!

  4. #4
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    I was also offended, but having read your posts and apology do think it's understandable bearing in mind what you've been through in the last 12 months.

    We have to remember that the Philippines is a 3rd world country, and if its your first experience travelling outside of the Western world it can be daunting. The culture, the people, the stress of travelling and the concern can make it all quite worrying,
    Never mind compounding that with the stress and excitement of meeting someone in person who'd you'd only spoken to online, someone whose culture and values are so different to yours.
    Love and the desire for companionship and a better life in the mind of both people can overcome that.

    All I can say to people experiencing the Philippines is that they need to go with an open mind.

    Despite having been into deepest darkest Africa and the Indian subcontinent, even I was quite surprised on my first visit to see Marvie (we already knew each other prior) in the Philippines. I was whisked to the Shangri La in an S class Mercedes and several hours later had had enough and booked us tickets to fly out to Hong Kong because I just needed a break to relax before having to assymilate a new and alien culture. But I had just been the previous 6 months working solidly overseas and literally flown into the UK and then straight onto Manila.

  5. #5
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    I respect anyone who can apologise with this amount of sincerity!

  6. #6
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    talk about dont bite the hand that feeds you, well i must have slept through the thread that started this apology and after reading it, you should be very sorry for all the help the members have gave you, lots and lots of hours spent by them helping you, but after saying all this you have said sorry so hopefully life can move on and we all can be friends, we dont have to agree with everything everyone says ,
    Just one more thing i miss the phils the heat the people and the boney cats and the mossies too, but i would be there tomorrow if i could , thats just me no offence meet to anyone

  7. #7
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    Thank you all you have been very kind and generous towards me.
    I realise more now than ever before, what a wonderful bunch you all are.

  8. #8
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Your apology is a very nice gesture Louis and I hope all the members can accept it and move on.
    I understand that a culture shock is just that... a shock, but you have to realise that this is our partner's country. You either love it or accept it. You are not going to make your wife bloom just because she is moving to the UK with you, she will bloom because you love her, respect her and embrace the differences between you because this is why you love her so much.... the differences.

    The Philippines has a diverse culture, you have only seen a snapshot and can never make the judgements you did. Maybe in time you can learn to understand that not all of us are made of the stuff that allows us to want to live there ourselves. For me and lots of others, we have made our homes in the Philippines or are planning to make our lives there with our loved ones. Your sweeping statements were not acceptable, but it is good you have had a long think about it and made your post.

    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  9. #9
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    Hi Louis,

    I must say, that took courage to post an apology like that, I'll take my hat off to you.

    You haven't just apologised, you've explained why you've apologised so I'm not going to lecture you on what you said.

    You were giving your views just like the world renowned author was. .Please read Terpe's thread about what the author said about his visit to Manila. .again giving there prospective.

    Easy for someone lording it up in Philippines finest establishment and come to the conclusion its a wonderful place after all.

    We get few foreign folks rubbish the UK, I don't get all emotional about.

    I remember Steve once said on here 'if you ain't got nothing nice to say, best not say it'....excellent advice, Best we all keep that in mind Me included! !

  10. #10
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    We get few foreign folks rubbish the UK, I don't get all emotional about.
    Im really sorry.. Please accept my humble apology!!
    I`ll try my very best not to do it again..(ish)

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Im really sorry.. Please accept my humble apology!!
    I`ll try my very best not to do it again..(ish)

    I didn't realise you done the a13

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by louismc44 View Post
    I have thought long and hard over some of my words that I have posted and said on this site in regards to my experiences in the Philippines
    I realise that I should have chosen my words more carefully
    I want to extent my full apologies to all those that I have offended on here.
    I let my negative thoughts get the better of me, when I should have been focusing more upon my positive experiences. I am deeply sorry to you all here and elsewhere.

    You're a good un Louis.
    Hope you and Olivia enjoy a shining future together.

  13. #13
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Well done louis I think that was a full and proper Apology, well done mate

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  15. #15
    Trusted Member jake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post

    You were giving your views just like the world renowned author was. .Please read Terpe's thread about what the author said about his visit to Manila. .again giving there prospective.
    Just read Terpe's thread and the author has never visited the Philippines. It is a fictional female doctor who is the character.

    Nothing wrong with the book Only problem is that it states traffic jams are 6hrs long. Not true they are only 5hrs long

  16. #16
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    It is a fictional female doctor who is the character.
    What? Another one??
    This is getting ridiculous!!

  17. #17
    Trusted Member jake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    What? Another one??
    This is getting ridiculous!!

  18. #18
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    What? Another one??
    This is getting ridiculous!!
    It's in the new book of Dan Brown called Inferno.
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  19. #19
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by louismc44 View Post
    I have thought long and hard over some of my words that I have posted and said on this site in regards to my experiences in the Philippines
    I realise that I should have chosen my words more carefully
    I want to extent my full apologies to all those that I have offended on here.
    I let my negative thoughts get the better of me, when I should have been focusing more upon my positive experiences. I am deeply sorry to you all here and elsewhere.
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  20. #20
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by louismc44 View Post
    I have thought long and hard over some of my words that I have posted and said on this site in regards to my experiences in the Philippines
    I realise that I should have chosen my words more carefully
    I want to extent my full apologies to all those that I have offended on here.
    I let my negative thoughts get the better of me, when I should have been focusing more upon my positive experiences. I am deeply sorry to you all here and elsewhere.
    Good man Louis

  21. #21
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    Louis i have not really replied to your threads, or really seen them. It looks like at some point you maybe have had an unhappy time in the philippines. That unhappy experience may have fudged your judgement of the filipino people and the country.

    But i do not believe you have really experienced filipino hospitality at it's best. If you had then your opinions would be very different indeed. Louis i went there with over £12000 in 2002 and blew the lot in 6 months. I think a lot of visitors do.

    When i was on my .... with no money, no visa, no home. Literally on the streets. Who do you think took me in? fed me, watered me, and gave me a home. Of course it was the Filipino people. The foreigners who took my money in the bars, encouraged me to ring bells and introduced me to countless girls, turned a blind eye.

    Eventually i managed to get home. Sort myself out. Get a job etc. The very next year i went back and paid back all the good people that stood by me. And married my wife. The rest is history. And i am sure some members on this forum will have very similar stories to me.

    It's good you said what you did my friend. I hope you will visit the country again, and this time go look harder and experience the beautiful philippines. You will be be glad you did.

    Once again i am sorry to comment on Louis's thread. I just could not resist sharing my experience in the philippines. And this was the perfect opportunity to do so.


  22. #22
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    Sheldon, I take my hat off to you...for writing that down.

  23. #23
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    talk about dont bite the hand that feeds you, well i must have slept through the thread that started this apology and after reading it, you should be very sorry for all the help the members have gave you, lots and lots of hours spent by them helping you
    Yes you are totally right here in what you say about my bad behaviour on here

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by sheldon1 View Post
    Louis i have not really replied to your threads, or really seen them. It looks like at some point you maybe have had an unhappy time in the philippines. That unhappy experience may have fudged your judgement of the filipino people and the country.

    But i do not believe you have really experienced filipino hospitality at it's best. If you had then your opinions would be very differen't indeed. Louis i went there with over £12000 in 2002 and blew the lot in 6 months. I think a lot of visitors do.

    When i was on my .... with no money, no visa, no home. Literally on the streets. Who do you think took me in? fed me, watered me, and gave me a home. Of course it was the Filipino people. The foreigners who took my money in the bars encouraged me to ring bells, and introduced me to countless girls, turned a blind eye.

    Eventually i managed to get home. Sort myself out. Get a job etc. The very next year i went back and paid back all the good people that stood by me. And married my wife. The rest is history. And i am sure some members on this forum will have very similar stories to me.

    It's good you said what you did my friend. I hope you will visit the country again and this time go look harder and experience the beautiful philippines. You will be be glad you did.

    Once again i am sorry to comment on Louis's thread. I just could not resist sharing my experience in the philippines. And this was the perfect opportunity to do so.

    Hi Sheldon
    Thank you for sharing this experience with me too.
    I think it was my own fault that I had some negative experience in the Philippines
    I did not really go there with totally open mind, which if I had
    I might have had a lot more positive experiences to reflect upon.

  25. #25
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    it is a shock at first once you step of the plane , the heat is the first shock, the second is where in she, the third is having to rely on the person who is waiting for you to take care of you till you get your bearings,
    After a few days you start to see how things work and you start to relax and try to eat the food that is different to what you are use too, all i wanted was some cabbage and potatoes after a week,
    You see we are all similer to each other it takes time to adjust but once you have caught the bug of how great the phils is well you just cant wait to get back, but not all of us

  26. #26
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    For me it was, first day there, the shock of having one of the prettiest girls I'd ever clapped eyes on, smiling at me across a restaurant after she'd noticed me giving her a sideways glance, and I'd been thinking...NO CHANCE pal.

  27. #27
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    You're a good un Louis.
    Hope you and Olivia enjoy a shining future together
    Thank you Terpe
    You especially I owe a lot for all your help and advice.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    it is a shock at first once you step of the plane , the heat is the first shock, the second is where in she, the third is having to rely on the person who is waiting for you to take care of you till you get your bearings,
    After a few days you start to see how things work and you start to relax and try to eat the food that is different to what you are use too, all i wanted was some cabbage and potatoes after a week,
    You see we are all similer to each other it takes time to adjust but once you have caught the bug of how great the phils is well you just cant wait to get back, but not all of us
    I did get food poison the 2nd day I was there. This really shook me up too, but with the great and loving tender care from Olivia, who nursed me through 3 days of being very ill. I made a good recovery.

    Olivia called me in the middle of last night Sun/Mon to tell me that she was in hospital with a terrible bout of food poisoning and here we are 1000's of miles apart and I couldn't do anything to help her? Our phone connections were so bad, I could hardly make out what was being said.
    This really choked me up a lot.
    Olivia will be flying to the UK next Monday and all I want to do is take good care of her like she did so much for me.

  29. #29
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    You've eaten more than enough humble pie Louis. .even I'm finding it nauseating. ..give it a rest now.

    I agree with Sheldon's first sentence in his initial post on here.
    Opinion can be clouded by whom the person you are with. ..I can see that now, as simple as that may seem.

  30. #30
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    You've eaten more than enough humble pie Louis. .even I'm finding it nauseating. ..give it a rest now.

    I agree with Sheldon's first sentence in his initial post on here.
    Opinion can be clouded by whom the person you are with. ..I can see that now, as simple as that may seem.
    You've eaten more than enough humble pie Louis. .even I'm finding it nauseating. ..give it a rest now
    Bit harsh that! but anyway I think maybe this could be closed now, louis has apolgised, we're all happy with that, lets close it and move on

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