Quote Originally Posted by Julie-Tom View Post
Im currently putting together my documents, what Im planning to do is to hole punch everything and put them in hard bound ring binders. Is this alright?

should I just put them all in one folder without hole punch as melovesengland said, Im afraid my documents will get lost without putting them in a ring binder.

help please
As Terpe says, VFS will have a procedure for organising the documents for submission to the embassy.

Based on my experience, VFS will actually ask you to remove all of your documents (i.e. application form, supporting evidence etc.) from any ring binders or plastic wallets you arrive with. They will give them the once over to make sure nothing obvious is missing such as your TB test certificate if this is required.

My advice would be to prepare two folders: one which contains all of your original documents and another which contains the copies of the originals. This will at least allow you to keep them organised until you get to VFS. Then you can remove them and arrange them into two piles of originals and copies. VFS will then package them up accordingly for submission to the embassy