Controlling Behaviors

Physical restraint
Asking or demanding that you give up essentials
Presenting you with large gifts early in the relationship
Attempts to isolate you from family and/or friends
Equating total submission with total love

Abusive Behaviors
Physically hurting you
Putting you down in front of others
Derogatory comments about you
Making you feel like you are crazy
Purposely making you feel helpless
Playing mind games

Substance Abuse
Smells like liquor, drugs or tobacco
Shows emotional extremes
Unaccountable for their whereabouts
Your money is unaccountable

Signs of Cheating
Secretive and defensive
Sly, manipulative behavior
Does not let you call him at home
Has a white ring around his ring finger
Projectile behavior
He does not want to spend time with your friends or family
Unavailable on important holidays
Only available at strange times of the day

Lack of Compassion
Lack of concern for your physical and/or emotional well-being
Lack of common courtesy
Using empathy as means to get something from you (mainly sex)
Self-centered behaviors
Being unsupportive