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Thread: The BBC and its bias towards pro-immigration lobby

  1. #1
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    The BBC and its bias towards pro-immigration lobby

    The BBC and its bias towards pro-immigration lobby: Report accuses 'left-wing Corporation of downplaying violence by Islamists'

    • Report looked at coverage by BBC news and current affairs programmes since 1997
    • The study’s author, Ed West, said the BBC ignored certain areas
    • He said BBC bias was often unintentional or provoked by ‘basic decency’ and a desire to protect the underdog

    The BBC gives too much weight to pro-immigration voices and ‘almost totally ignores’ the negative social impact of multiculturalism, a new study has claimed.

    The corporation suffers from left wing ‘groupthink’ that prevents its journalists from challenging institutional bias and results in pro-immigration ‘propaganda’, according to the research published yesterday.

    It was also accused of ‘downplaying’ violence by Islamists while being happy to criticise Christianity and report on the activities of other violent extremists......................................

    Read more:

    Interesting article - further confirmation of what's been obvious for years. A once proud organisation now infested with apologists, trough feeders and leftist politically correct handwringers.

  2. #2
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    There's probably a lot of truth there and it's common knowledge that both BBC and C4 news reporting has a slightly leftish bias.
    I don't understand the Islam thing as it seems to run through our society. Everybody from the Prime Minister right down seems scared of it, scared to challenge it's beliefs and teachings. It seems to me that it's arrived on our shores and we have to accept it and say nothing. Accept that they blatantly treat women as second class citizens, accept their homophobic beliefs even accept that many if not all of our children are being served specially prepared food in school to keep a minority happy.
    So if Cameron is scared to challenge it as was both Brown and Blair before him, is it any wonder that the BBC are the way they are.
    I personally think we have been silent for to long and should realise that it is not racist to say I am offended by Islam in the same way as I am offended by the Westboro Baptist Church.
    For all it's failings on the news side, I love the BBC it makes some fantastic stuff that none of the commercial mob would touch. I hope we will always have it in it's current form with as little political interference as possible.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    I hope we will always have it in it's current form with as little political interference as possible.
    I think it needs political interfence to shift it from its leftist stance which permeates much of its output.

    For example I switched on BBC Radio Berks at 8am and there was a 5 minute piece on derelict buildings surrounding Readings new railway station. This was followed by an item of similar length full of human rights lawyers and other apologists pontificating about the Army detaining Afghans at Camp Bastion who are suspected of blowing up our soldiers. Inflammatory statements were made about this being "a secret facility", "Britains Guantanamo" etc despite the BBC being aware it is fully legal under the UN Mandate

  4. #4
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    For how long have I been moaning on about this very subject ?

    1pm news today....usual whining about about how awful we are to the poor suspected soldier-killers in Afghanistan...keeping them in jail.

    No mention of the fact that the British taxpayer is funding the parasite lawyers in this country 'defending' these scum, courtesy of free legal pointed out by our Defence Secretary on the Today programme on R4 earlier.

    Why the hell are we paying for legal advice for prisoners in toilet foreign states ?

    ...Especially when the very reason we've kept the prisoners locked up is because we've felt unable to pass them on to the untrustworthy Afghan system.

    This whole thing is about MONEY. It stinks, and WE'RE paying !

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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    For how long have I been moaning on about this very subject ?

    1pm news today....usual whining about about how awful we are to the poor suspected soldier-killers in Afghanistan...keeping them in jail.

    No mention of the fact that the British taxpayer is funding the parasite lawyers in this country 'defending' these scum, courtesy of free legal pointed out by our Defence Secretary on the Today programme on R4 earlier.

    Why the hell are we paying for legal advice for prisoners in toilet foreign states ?

    ...Especially when the very reason we've kept the prisoners locked up is because we've felt unable to pass them on to the untrustworthy Afghan system.

    This whole thing is about MONEY. It stinks, and WE'RE paying !
    There you go Graham not only do the BBC scumbags have this on national Radio 4 they also see fit to churn out their leftist propaganda on local radio

  6. #6
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    ...And another thing. I DON'T want to hear some idiot preaching to me about Islam, Christianity, Sikhism or any other bloody ism on their Radio4 'thought for the day' slot early in the morning...just to get me in a bad mood before I've even got up !

    Shove your religious propaganda up your !

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    ...And another thing. I DON'T want to hear some idiot preaching to me about Islam, Christianity, Sikhism or any other bloody ism on their Radio4 'thought for the day' slot early in the morning...just to get me in a bad mood before I've even got up !

    Shove your religious propaganda up your !
    But apart from that you're OK then Graham

  8. #8
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    Well, there were a few other things.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    ... I DON'T want to hear some idiot preaching to me about Islam, Christianity, Sikhism or any other bloody ism ...
    I do agree, and I'd also include atheism.....

  10. #10
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    Very rarely you hear us preaching our 'good word' though Peter...just questioning the (IMO) brainwashed from birth nonsense of others.

    Plus, we're not an organised group who feel the need to hold hands or constantly be canvassing for new members because of fear or insecurity.

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