Hi to everybody! How could anyone react on this statement.
"Filipina that are married or have the intentions and plans in getting married to a foreign national are CHEAP!!!.
Hi to everybody! How could anyone react on this statement.
"Filipina that are married or have the intentions and plans in getting married to a foreign national are CHEAP!!!.
i beg to disagree..people who are thinking that way are the ones who are cheap..they dont understand what's going on with the foreign-filipina couple so they dont have the right to tagged us as cheap..
their just saying that because their jealous.
I have heard that too.... I disagree with that statement. No one has to make judgements not until they know the person well. Many factors should be considered like family background, values in life, upbringing before cirticising is done.
Who said so?Who gave them the right to judge any of us here?...Being in love and being in this kind of relationship is a big sacrifice
...u've got to have patience, and invest a lot of HOPE, Faith and Trust for each other, and you have to make sure that u've got bucketfull of tears especially during those times that you wanna hug each other but you can't...
not even a shoulder to cry on...
The only channel that connects the two of you is this...And it's no joke, huh!!!
Maybe, it's their corrupt mind that clearly speaks for them...but not to those who really love each other so much, who live thousand miles apart and remain to be honest and faithful to each other..I'd rather be called "cheap" but only love one man than to be "classy" and flies like butterflies hanging around every single bar to look for someone who will love them....those are the kinds we called it here..KSP "Kulang Sa Pansin" People who lacks attention or never gets one....
EXCUSE ME noh!!!! Hinde lang nila kaya ang powers natin!!!! GO GIRLS!!!! Walang cheap dito noh!
at least winners tayo, unlike them losers..:![]()
hep hep Hurrah!!!!!!!
Mitch and I are happy for you Maria...and once in a while we share secrets ...esp.....about MnM.....Kaya Go Maria Go!!.Hayaan mo silang mamatay sa inggit....Haba ng hair mo Girl, wish ko sana singhaba din ng hair ko......kaso hinde eh!!!!!![]()
Budgies go CHEAP![]()
Keith - Administrator
some people will always try to destroy what they do not understand.
If they are anything like MY Filipina - yes - they are cheap! Because my Hanna will never let me buy her anything!!!!
She always says - too expensive! Even if something costs 100 pesos.
So I go behind her back and spend thousands on her - and then it is too late!!
Filipinas are not 'cheap' - they are proud - and honest - and beautiful people. I have never been happier in my life than I am with Hanna.
Obviously someone ignorant of the truth here, cheap, for those of us who know there is nothing in this world more wonderful then a filipina and cheap dont come anywhere near describing how perfect they are.
cheap indeed!
I'd rather regret something I tried which didn't work then regret not trying something at all
Nope phill wifes are not cheap many hubbies here can testify to that
But seriously of course not all fillpinas who marry are cheap im sure there is a small percentage of phill ladies who marry just for the dollar or visa but then some brit guys are marrying for the wrong reasons.
what is a crab mentality?
The way most Filipino`s have described "Crab mentality" to me is thus..
Think of the Philippines as a huge crab pot..
All inhabitants wanting to escape and climb out ..
The problem is that as one nears the top,the others pull it back in.
If one does manage to escape then some of the others will scream abuse in a jealous rage!!
Anyway..That how it was explained to me some years ago..
You got it right Fred!![]()
We cant blame the person who said that statement. He/she is entitled to his/her opinions.
as long as we know that our intentions for marrying a foreign national is purely love, let's be proud of it.
negative/derogatory statements like that should be IGNORE. there are just so many people who are jealous of what others have.
And there i was thinking crab mentality was about lateral or sideways thinking
And yes i agree - All filli people have a great aura of pride and dignity which can be very humbling at times. Cheap and simple are used in the wrong context by people who are ignorant of the people and their culture - give me the simplest, `cheapest` filli wfe or GF and i will be a very happy and proud man.
I don't think it's "CHEAP" filipina married to a foreign national as far as I know filipina can go anywhere around the world just to find a job no matter what and how hard it is. How about if we reverse the situation " Foreign national that are married to a filipina are "CHEAP". Just to find person that will love them for the rest of their life that they can't find in their own country because mostly foreign woman are so demanding but not all and to escaped the bloody cold weather,taxes,crimes,bloody expensive things here. Not filipina married to a foreign are all successful some are also a victims, abuse because they don't know nothing apart from being so stupid loving so much their foreign husband.Who do we think is Cheap then? More filipina are educated,hard worker and they know how to respect others feeling....others may not but a real filipina have a genuine heart innit.
Good answer!
But it does work the other way round here too. If people in UK see a man with an asian wife or GF - they immediately think `thai bride`.
To them this is the strange old man who has gone to buy a wife because he cannot have a UK gf. - works both way i am affraid![]()
Quite right Mich, they are entitled to their opinion, and I bet the same person who said this statement also wouldn't have the slightest idea where the UK is (clue: its NOT in America)![]()
As a few have on this thread have said, this looks like jealousy, and to be honest, we've all got better things to worry about, like Mark's fan club or what is Maria up to?![]()
Thank you they even thought me as well as a Thai,indonesia,chinesse hello........... I am a filipina and when they ask me where is it I replied it's a part of Asia then they will insist Thailand I said no Thailand and Philippines are different then finnaly they will said no we've never been there yet.
Having a filipina partner is never been cheap just imagine the expenses and the amount of time they spent towards us. Travelling a thousand miles away is not cheap, getting married is not cheap, sorting a visa is not cheap, maintenance is not cheap, sorting everything is not cheap. What the hell!..And now im trying to contribute and helped to pay some bills.
Bwahaha..well thats my interpretation.![]()
There is always death and taxes; however, death doesn't get worse every year.
The only "Cheap" thing so far was the visa, that was free of charge... But Jet's flight to Manila and the couple of days spent there weren't "cheap"...
Let's see....
15 months allowance for Jet...
3 visits in 18 months.
The wedding....
Brand new fridge freezer for the mother, because what they had I would have scrapped 10 years ago... (not asked for)
Brand new 15 hp engine for dad's fishing pumboat, because the old one had been rebored 3 times and kept breaking down 10 miles out at sea all the time... (not asked for) So prevention is better than cure...
Ticket to Manila + incidentals there...
Other bits and bobs... DHL, Islandrose, blah, blah...
One way ticket to Manchester...
And she never asked me for one penny..
On the home front....
Various document translations, to and from Italian...
A few trips to the Eyetie consulate in Manchester... Missing work...
New Leather sofa Corner Unit...
New carpets... living room, hallway, bathroom.
New bathroom furniture.
New Kitchen...
New pine sideboards in the living room..
New bedding, duvets, quilt covers, bed sheets..
New Towels
Today, I am off to get a new mattress and hire a carpet cleaner ...
In 12 days I will have to take a week's unpaid vacation, which I am not really entitled to, and cannot afford this time of the year...
I suppose I could take a couple of weeks on the sick, but too many people in the company know that Jet will be here soon, and won't look too good...
Don't talk to me about "cheap"....
I have done all this and more, willingly and knowingly, because I absolutely love and adore Jet.
everyone's opinion, I'm afraid, it's all true but this critism is not about spending money and what was given to a filipina and how expensive they are to maintain. the word CHEAP in this statement is best describes as a low grade citizen or a common people.
I agree with you Charl.... Cheap here doesn't refer to the money spent to a filipina during the relationship, it simply refers to the quality of person the filipina has. It is based on how she carries herself, how she converse with other people, how she values things in life. Even if she is poor and of less or no education but if she manages to be decent and maintain finesse in every small things when interacting with people is considered of good quality filipina than some who are well educated, blessed with richness but lack the manners and are rude in some ways and lacks the "it" in herself then she may be called cheap. We all have different opinions about this, this is just mine......
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