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Thread: SPAM: I won the lottery!!!! I never bought a ticket!!!

  1. #1
    Respected Member
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    SPAM: I won the lottery!!!! I never bought a ticket!!!

    35451 182 LONDON

    (Customer Services)
    Date:04 of September, 2007

    Ref:SGIL: 763276/03

    Batch: 6858/UK

    Dear Winner No: 7.


    We are pleased to inform you of the announcement today, 04th September 2007, winners of THE UK UNIVERSAL LOTTERY PROGRAMS held on the 30th of August, 2007. Your email address attached to ticket number 023-56678230954, drew the lucky numbers 06-09-11-33-36-49-29, batch number 6858/UK and consequently won the lottery in the 3RD category. we are apologize for the delay in the release of the results which was caused by our computer system Breakdown which resulted in a mix up of some name and addresses of beneffficiaries and participants.

    As a security protocol to avoid fraudulent claims we ask you to keep your Award notification letter confidential until your claim has been processed and your winning fund remitted to your designated bank account. You have therefore been approved of a lump sum pay of £500, 000, 00 (Five Hundred Thousand Pounds Sterling) which has been credited to file REF NO. SGIL/763276/03.

    This is from the total prize money of £20,000,000.00 which is to be shared among the forty International winners in categories C with serial number: IL/FLW/12-C033721192. All participants in this lottery program were selected randomly through a computer ballot system, drawn from 85.000.000 individual email addresses from all search engines.

    Your e-mail address was picked by the automated computer ballot system, which has been programmed for this random selection. This has eventually qualified you for the Winning. This promotional program takes place annually, and is promoted and sponsored by eminent personalities, Sultan of Brunei, Bill Gates of Microsoft Inc. With the support of European corporate companies and organizations to encourage the use of Internet and computers worldwide.

    In view of this, your £500,000.00 would be released to you by Our European Fiduciary Agent. Our European Fiduciary Agent will immediately commence the process to facilitate the release of your fund as soon as you contact Mr. James Harry Scott office in UK (Lottery International Claim Agent).

    Your winning details can only be released to your fiduciary agent who will commence the process of your prize claim, This is to avoid wrong and double claim. It is also part of our security protocol to avoid unwarranted abuse of this program by some unscrupulous element to begin with your claim contact your file/claim officer with the below contact details:

    Mr. James Harry. Scott
    International Claim Agent
    Universal Lottery Fiduciary

    Tel: +44 703-1847990
    +44 703-1898386

    Fax: +44 709-2873844
    +44 709-2873187

    Please be aware that our Paying Authority will Effect Payment Swiftly upon satisfactory Report, Verifications and validation provided by our processing Agent. Note: According to lottery code of conduct section 37.2 page 10 paragraph 5, All winnings must be Claimed not later than 30 days from the date of this notification; thereafter all funds will be returned to the MINISTERIO DE ECONOMIA Y HACIENDA as unclaimed please remember to quote your reference number in all your correspondence and should there be any change in your contact addresses , do contact the Director of payment immediately.

    Forward to Mr. James Scott's office the below details for the process of your won prize

    1. Full Name:
    2. Date of Birth:
    3. Sex:
    4. Marital Status:
    5. Contact Address:.
    6. Country & Religion:
    7. Telephone Number:
    8. Occupation:.
    9. Breif Description of Company/Individual:
    10. Winning E-mail Address:
    11. Winning Number:
    12. Ref Number:
    13. Batch Number:
    14. Amount Won:
    15. How do you feel as a Winner?

    Congratulations once again from our staff and thank you for being part of our promotional program.

    Thank you.

    Mrs. Grace. G. Briggs. (Lottery Coordinator)
    Online coordinator for THE UNIVERSAL LOTTERY.

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Would you like there legs broken?
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Respected Member
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    can you do a mean kneecap, chief?

  4. #4
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mich View Post
    can you do a mean kneecap, chief?
    Rice, soy sauce, sweetcorn, kneecap....yummy
    Keith - Administrator

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
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    I always won in UK Lottery 10 times a day according to my SPAM emails
    But I truly won 4 digits 2 weeks ago and I got 40£ from THE SPAR Store in our village

  6. #6
    Respected Member
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    71 got the job!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    I always won in UK Lottery 10 times a day according to my SPAM emails
    Yeah me too Penny, its getting boring now, winning the lottery so many times a day. I reckon I must be up to £10 billion by now...

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    Yeah me too Penny, its getting boring now, winning the lottery so many times a day. I reckon I must be up to £10 billion by now...
    So we are billioners without money

    Keeps on betting

  9. #9
    Respected Member hilda_danao's Avatar
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    i just observed that everytime i receive an email that i won a lottery, there is no 'to' in the email. i mean, they don't really know your email add and your name. your email add is not even stated as the recepient. i just wonder how that email has been sent to us. well, that's why it's called spam?

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UK UNIVERSAL LOTTERY 06-09-11-33-36-49-29

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