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Thread: Non-EU Spouse visa "accompany/join spouse" Ireland

  1. #1
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    Non-EU Spouse visa "accompany/join spouse" Ireland

    Hello everyone just thought id post on here some of my experience's I'm currently having with the Irish embassy in Manila. My wife and I have been affected by the governments new income requirements brought in last year so we have decided to look at other routes we could take, so we have decided that Ireland would be the best route that we could take. We contacted the Irish embassy and they sent us the list of requirements which is needed, I explained to them that my wife is the spouse of an EU, British citizen intending on exercising his treaty right in another EU state and under directive 2001/83/ec my wife should not have to submit documents such as financial, accommodation etc. They then told me that my wife would still need to provide them requirements and that I must be exercising my treaty right in Ireland for 3 months before I can then be joined by my wife. I argued the point with her about the EU directive, so then I decided to call Solvit UK and they responded to me quite quickly, I explained to her the situation, they told me I should only have to present our marriage certificates, passports and proof that my wife will be travelling with me, she then wanted me to forward the conservation I had with the Irish embassy and with them stating the "excessive" requirements, Solvit also told me they will make a complaint against the embassy, they also asked me to forward scan/fax them our documents which we were going to send in for our application, so everything is sent to them now.. just waiting on hearing back with some news.. If I hear anything I will keep you all posted..

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Solvit have helped many people out.

  3. #3
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    Yes, Solvit are pretty good.
    You were lucky Robert in that you had a helpful response very quickly from them. Often they can be very tardy.
    It'll be interesting to learn the next actions of the Irish Embassy.

    Don't forget that you dealing with a member of the CTA (Common Travel Area) comprising Ireland, Great Britain, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands.
    You can be sure that the Irish Embassy are perfectly aware of your intentions and are only following established protocols.

    Eventually they will be required to concede to EU regulations.
    I feel you'll need to prepare for some frustrations if and when you apply for a Family Permit. (Which is not mandatory by the way)
    I wonder if you'll ever encounter difficulties at a border crossing. Hope not but governments are very devious.

    Anyway, good luck and never give up.

  4. #4
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    SUCCESS AT LAST My wife was granted her entry visa to Ireland!!!! We will be travelling to Ireland in the beginning of July, can't wait!! after all this wait, eventually.. would like to thank you all for your help and support over the last while.. very much appreciated

  5. #5
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Congratulations Robert and Good Luck for the future!

  6. #6
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    Thank you so much Michael!

  7. #7
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Great news Robert. Congratulations

  8. #8
    Respected Member mike1's Avatar
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    Well done and congratulationswere you living in Ireland ?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Robert86 View Post
    SUCCESS AT LAST My wife was granted her entry visa to Ireland!!!! We will be travelling to Ireland in the beginning of July, can't wait!! after all this wait, eventually.. would like to thank you all for your help and support over the last while.. very much appreciated
    Well done Robert and congratulations to you both

    You understood the rules and requirements and firmly stood your ground. A job well done with best outcome.

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