Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
That was exactly part of the point I made. There is no-one can legally make that decision now.
With regard to this Swiss company Dignitas, only SHE could have made such a decision WHEN she was deemed to be of sound mind.
The basic scenario you describe Mick is the by far the most common.
And yes, social services intervention is dependant on a number of issues and on a formal assessment.

Dementia is a major crisis in UK already
I have no idea on the incidence of dementia in Philippines, but it is described as being "a public health emergency" by the Dementia Society of the Philippines.
and would anyone with a sound mind want to end their life? and who decides if they have a sound mind, a psychiatrist or psychologist ?

I've watched a murder trial (Jodi Aris) she slaughtered her ex b/f (she shot in the head, stabbed 27 times and she cut his throat from ear to ear) she claimed self defense also Domestic violence, the defense had 3 'expert' psychologist stating she suffered from DV and post traumatic stress disorder, the prosecution had 2 expert psychologist saying this was untrue

so don't expect 'experts' to agree if someone has capacity to decide, also that capacity (dementia etc) can fluctuate, they might want to die today but next week who knows.. and i don't think any MEDICAL doctors would not want to be involved in this.