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Thread: This is so true, We didn't own an ipad

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  1. #1
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    This is so true, We didn't own an ipad

  2. #2
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    very good very true, but we had imagination which kids dont seem to have anymore, maybe because its all ready made for them in ipads cel phones,computers and computer games

  3. #3
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    ......very good very true, but we had imagination which kids dont seem to have anymore, maybe because its all ready made for them in ipads cel phones,computers and computer games.....
    Well, no iPad, but I remember we did have digital watches with LED displays. We had to press a button to see what time it was.

    The cellphones of the day were known as "Brick" phones. I had the chance to get in on that business at ground level. But didn't, my own mistake...

    Remember Atari Pong? Kept us entertained for hours.

    How about Space Invaders? Wasn't that the first video game

    Later on Sinclair was king, first with ZX81 kit than later with the ZXSpectrum computer.
    There were quite a few competitors around in those day too, and still around today.

    Apple was one of those competitors. Far more expensive but with much more sexy products.

    Some things never change

  4. #4
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    Most of the time we didn't even own a TV.

    Yes, we made our own entertainment.

  5. #5
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Interesting, when my generation were young we had gas lamps in the house and streets the milk was delivered by horse and cart and you used to have to take out a jug to ladel the milk you wanted, the rag and bone man used to come round every week also when the chimney sweep came round all the neighbors kids used to get up at 5am to watch the sweeps broom come out the top of the chimney. I remember going to the co-op with my granma's ration book to buy some yeast so that she could make bread and Ican still remember her divi number at the co-op 17342. By the way I would like to mention the loaf that my Grandma made used to have to last a week!

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Parnham View Post
    .... I remember going to the co-op with my granma's ration book to buy some yeast so that she could make bread and Ican still remember her divi number at the co-op 17342.......
    You've gotta be kidding Michael !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My mum's divi number was 17321
    Now I have to wonder how they developed those numbers. Maybe it was my grandmothers original number?

    I'm sure you know Michael, those divi numbers were important enough for everyone to remember. Bit like PIN numbers todays. Hahaha
    I'll probably never forget that 17321

    My jaw just dropped when I read your post with that number.
    How very strange!!

  7. #7
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    ... shame on me! I don't even know what an ipad IS! Is it a Netbook of sorts?

  8. #8
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    ... shame on me! I don't even know what an ipad IS! Is it a Netbook of sorts?

    It's a tablet computer, like basically a flat touch screen you can carry around, and you can do many things on it that you can do on a computer. Some people think they're good, I'm not one of them Just something else very expensive to get lost on the bus or train IMO

  9. #9
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iani View Post
    It's a tablet computer, like basically a flat touch screen you can carry around, and you can do many things on it that you can do on a computer.
    So ... my guess's as near as dammit?

    Quote Originally Posted by Iani View Post
    Some people think they're good, I'm not one of them Just something else very expensive to get lost on the bus or train IMO
    Ah ... ... having been known to lose personal items on public transport, reckon I'd be better off WITHOUT one!

  10. #10
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    This might be an unpopular opinion, but we can easily forget, a lot of the 80's were truly utterly crap. Looking back now, the pop music was awful, many 80's movies for some reason just haven't aged well at all.
    We had Thatch taking on the strikers, hairstyles you could lose a nest of rats in.

    Something else people just don't believe me when I say it - in the 70's and up to the mid 80's, there was a LOT more litter on the streets. People nowadays maybe have more respect for the environment than they did then. I definitely remember it, I remember going on a school trip to France and noticing how clean the streets were there - now our local towns are almost as clean.

    Another thing I have noticed is that now kids seem a lot happier and secure in themselves than they were when I was a teen. There seemed to back then be a macho culture to live up to, now I have noticed many seem to have taken on board the "hey dude, chill you're one of the crowd" attitude portrayed in many American kids tv shows. Maybe not surprising since so many channels show these programmes, some are bound to rub off.

    Back in the day, if you wanted olive oil, you had to go to a chemist. Wine was something seen in movies drunk by French people, or maybe made by grandad on his allotment from parsnips.

    Of course, it's not all good now. One profound thing is that "nowadays" kids don't play out anymore. I used to wander the streets and fields free aged 6 and above, and maybe play out in the local street even younger.
    It really hit me a few years ago when I went a walk down into the farmland and fields near where I lived - there is this huge open valley, it has woodlands, streams, footpaths through the fields, rocks, you name it. This is near a large residential village, but these fields were deserted. I know when I was younger, these would have been full of kids playing in the trees, playing games, riding bikes up the footpaths - but now, nothing.
    It's a sad thing that kids now won't have the freedom I took for granted.

    I think now there is a lot more stress, but maybe we shouldn't use the rose tinted specs too much, as there must have been more in the 80's with enormous unemployment.
    Things do seem a bit cleaner, now, on the other hand, back then we had proper high streets with many shops - now it's all charity shops, poundshops, it's a mess

  11. #11
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Thanks for that Peter, I have stacks of memories from when I was very young, I'm sure another thread somtime in the future will inspire me to tell more about the good old days. Also Arthur I must say my knowledge of todays technoligy is probabley worse than yours!

  12. #12
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    Brilliant! I recognised just about everything!

  13. #13
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    This is the best video I've ever seen on YouTube. Exceptional.

  14. #14
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    What's a divi number and what was that for???

    Sorry I'm still young..LOL!

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  15. #15
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    It's like you have shares in the shop (Co-operative).

    Periodically you receive money from the profits....shareholder's DIVIDEND.

    My mum used to shop there too.

    Very popular stores before Tesco, Asda etc got so big.

  16. #16
    Respected Member MissAna's Avatar
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    i feel so old now
    No amount of makeup can mask an ugly heart

  17. #17
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    very nice.
    I recognized some in the video, cant comment anymore might reveal my real age
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