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Thread: Applying for British Naturalisation

  1. #1
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    Applying for British Naturalisation

    Hi there,
    Just a quick question I passed my application a week ago for British Naturalisation and would like to know how long it will take to process it? I know it said within six month so, I'm a bit worried co's one of my friend booked us a holiday to Vegas for a surprise on November this year. Can anyone help and give me some advise, please. Thanks

  2. #2
    Respected Member scottishbride's Avatar
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    It really depends... Some application take longer than others.When I applied for my Citizenship it was December month 2012. I thought it will delay my application due to holiday break. But it only took me 5-6 weeks. Some applicants take 6 months or longer. It depends on the caseworker who handle your application. Good luck hope you will get your result sooner!

  3. #3
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Thanks for the reply

  4. #4
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    Hopefully you will get it by October.

  5. #5
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ianlg8 View Post
    Hopefully you will get it by October.
    Probably a lot QUICKER ... ... particularly if she used the 'NCS' to pre-check her supporting documents.

  6. #6
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    Hi guys,
    Good afternoon!! Got my naturalisation 2 weeks after i sent if off which is very quick and now i have booked my ceremony on the 2nd of September, but i have a little bit of problem as i haven't put my Middle name on the application only my First and last name. Is this going to be a problem or i can leave it as it is, if not anyone knows how long it will take if i want to change it ? cheers

  7. #7
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    one more thing :-) can i change this before my ceremony or i need to wait till i get my Certificate?
    Please help i'm getting worried need to apply for British passport after my ceremony and i will be travelling end of November. thanks again

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bailey boo View Post
    one more thing :-) can i change this before my ceremony or i need to wait till i get my Certificate?
    Please help i'm getting worried need to apply for British passport after my ceremony and i will be travelling end of November. thanks again
    Did you not receive any information about the name that would be entered onto your Certificate of Naturalisation?
    There is usually some guidance on how to proceed if name changes are to be made.

    As I recall you'll have to wait until you have your cert until changes can be made. Better to check your documentation first I think

  9. #9
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    Hi Terpe,
    Yes, i have receive an information about the name that would be entered on my Certificate but its me, i'm a bit dopey sometimes and only put my name and surname on it and realizing i haven't put my middle name until i received the letter approving my Citizenship. So i just wondered how long is the processing time to change it as i said i will be travelling by end of November and also need to apply for British passport and that will take up to six weeks max. Any idea? Thanks

  10. #10
    Respected Member scottishbride's Avatar
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    You need to return your Naturalization Certificate to get it change ASAP. If you apply British passport it might be a problem as you got no middle name. So do this after you get your certificate. Send the certificate to Home office you wont get charge for it as it's free.

  11. #11
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    Unfortunately you've managed to put yourself in a bit of a 'sticky' position.
    It goes a bit like this.
    If UKBA have made an error they will they will usually re-issue the certificate showing the correct details.
    Note that this only applies if UKBA made a mistake from the CORRECT information originally supplied.
    Also note that it's stated as usually. Not guaranteed.

    In cases where you have originally submitted incorrect information, you'll need to request a name change together with satisfactory supporting documentary evidence to UKBA. The certificate will then be officially endorsed to show the correct details.
    Here's the rub, the UKBA endorsement is usually a note to show that a change claim or documentary evidence of a change to personal details printed on the certificate has been presented. It may or may not actually confirm that UKBA have accepted the change, only that it has been presented.

    Unless it clearly states UKBA has accepted the change, you may find a subsequent passport application must be made in the exact same name that appears on the certificate.

    If your major ultimate objective is to hold a British Passport with your middle name shown, then it would be faster and easier to just forget a change to the certificate, apply for a passport and submit documentary evidence to support your request for a name addition OR to secure the British Passport then apply for a name change.

    Adding a middle name to a British Passport is considered a minor name change and can easily be achieved.
    You'd just need to make an application for name change and submit documentary evidence that shows your name as you want it to appear on your passport, such as:-

    - a letter from a local council or other government department
    - a driving licence
    - a bank statement
    - a baptismal or confirmation certificate

    Sorry if I haven't made a good explanation but hopefully it gives some insight.

    It's not a major difficulty, it's just a bit messy.

    I have no idea how long it would take UKBA to add their endorsement, but what I saying is that you'd have no control on whether or not the final endorsement would even be acceptable to the Passport Office. Might be better to just speed trhough the 'standard' process then take up change options with the passport office.

  12. #12
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    BTW it shouldn't impact your ability to travel as you'll still have your Philippine Passport

  13. #13
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    So Terpe, you mean even when i become a citizen (certificate) I can still travel using my Philippine passport and change my name and apply for British passport when I come back from holiday. I know I put myself in a bit of a mess

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bailey boo View Post
    So Terpe, you mean even when i become a citizen (certificate) I can still travel using my Philippine passport and change my name and apply for British passport when I come back from holiday. I know I put myself in a bit of a mess
    You're putting words in my mouth.

    I'm sure you understand that technically when you make an oath of allegiance in favour of Queen Elizabeth and the UK you immediately lose Philippine Citizenship.
    If you inform the Philippine Embassy your passport will be immediately cancelled.

    There, you forced me to mention it and now I'm unable to say more.

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