Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
not just car wash places, restaurants, farms, takeaways, anywhere that uses lower skilled labour..

you say that their legal, well the one near me obviously wasn't employing legal workers or he wouldn't have got fined £15k!

with your lord major bungling boris johnson talking about an amnesty for illegal immigrants, it will never happen, he doesn't have the power, and no british gov will do it, more people will come here illegally and wait for the next amnesty. something Spain found out the hard way.
I know severla places have ilegal workers but i think many of the ones near us have been turned over so often and the jobs market has slowed down now that they have no need for ilegals.Many are now prepared to do the work, i now see Indian and african workers in the car washs as well as those who could well be Brit or western european.

Our Boris who i think is doing ok, hes not the lord mayor of the city of london thats the other one no body ever knows the name of.

I think Brois is one of those who has too many ideas sometimes. He does have a point no way are all of them going to be deported it would take to long and cost to much. But then no way can you be seen to condon coming here breaking the law.
As he pointed out his duty is to be the voice of london as well as havings some powers in London.

Who does manchester have as mayor or leader, or are they silll waiting for democracy up there