I am right now looking for a job but I don't wanna go outside my territory. I'm not familiar yet outside Hemel Hempstead, Herts. I received some interview offer from central of london but I refused because of the long hours of travel. I have a degree in Psychology and had various working experience. I worked as receptionist, had teaching experience for almost 3 years then moved to Call centre industry. Sometimes I worked part time extra for TV series in Manila when I was still there and done political endorsement. I thought having a good educational background and great working experience will place my feet in a greater position to get a job here. We as filipinos has this culture of helping our families back home and I have obligation to fulfill. My husband is such a very loving and supportive partner. We never had any problems together even during the time when I was applying for a fiance visa back home. I got my visa in just 3 weeks as sopposed to 3 months that the Embassy told us. No interview at all. When we applied for my extension visa, we easily got it as well but right now we're trying to get me a job but most companies like school require NVQL 2 or 3. I just felt bad that having great experience and degree isn't enough to get the job. I had interview yesterday from one of the hotel for receptionist position and after all the great compliments that I received from the interviewer I still ended the day with unfortunate message of not getting the job. I was super down yesterday and earlier today and managed to recover later today.

Please let me know if UK companies are generally like this (i felt like it is still sound useless to get a job here no matter what degree you have or experience you had if you don't get any nice educ background here)? I know it's against the labor law to descriminate anyone. hope you answer my concern. Thanks!