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Thread: Why is it so difficult to get a job here?

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  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    do you think if they were entitled to claim benefits they would be washing cars in this freezing weather ?

    i wonder if they are paying tax and national insurance ? and are they legally entitled to work here? a car wash near me was raided by the immigration people, and they found 3 illegal workers there. the owner was fined £20,000, employers will only exploit them if the money he can save is worth him taking the risk, by paying less than minimum wage, not paying tax and national insurance and employing illegal immigrants, who have no rights and can not complain to anyone ...

  2. #2
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    Obviously it`s better that they sit at home and do nothing than provide a service to us!
    And it says alot about our authorities that someone can start an illegal business in a town centre and run it for a year in full view of everybody. You`d have thought someone would have called and complained by now eh?
    We have a car wash service at our Homebase here which is the same price, can`t imagine that thats illegal too?
    Even uses Homebase signs!
    Seems i`m living in a crime hotspot!

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    who sits at home ? the Brit or European worker who will not work for £2 or £3 a hour ? that's what some of the 700,000 illegal workers get here .

    the business doesn't have to be illegal, but the guy who owns can either pay a brit or european the minimum wage or more, or employ someone who's illegal for a half the price or less.

    with the clamp down on employers hiring illegal workers with penalties of up to £10,000 for each illegal worker employed or even a prison sentence for the employer, those illegal workers will find it a lot more difficult finding work, and may well turn to crime to survive !

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