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Thread: Why is it so difficult to get a job here?

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  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    not just car wash places, restaurants, farms, takeaways, anywhere that uses lower skilled labour..

    you say that their legal, well the one near me obviously wasn't employing legal workers or he wouldn't have got fined £15k!

    with your lord major bungling boris johnson talking about an amnesty for illegal immigrants, it will never happen, he doesn't have the power, and no british gov will do it, more people will come here illegally and wait for the next amnesty. something Spain found out the hard way.

  2. #2
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    [SIZE="3"]Just had 3 yrs experience as Accountant, 7 yrs supervisory, QC abroad, 5 yrs handling my own business, HOUSEKEEPING ASSISTANT in UK holiday park and now in a factory. My boss offered me to apply as QC Mgr in our company but when he found out I couldn't drive, I didn't get it Anyway, I am not choosy as I am new in this country and still willing to learn and to be trained. WILLING TO FOLLOW UK STANDARD
    Spent lots of money to have a good education in the PI and then went to UK to do housekeeeping... hay hay buhay! very ironic right? things we do for our husbands hehe...

    [QUOTE=Les_lady888;53751]To sum it up, I can see from your posts that getting a Bachelors Degree in Phils wont easily make u get a job in the following should also be taken into consideration:
    1. One must know how to drive well;
    2. Better to sign up with various employment agencies;
    3. Must always have map to know the way around or should know her way around (just in case prospect office is far from residence);
    4. Must of course can speak and write good english (jeeze, I need to learn more on that )
    5. Must look smart and professional during interviews;
    6. Meet Patience and Perseverance and make sure they are always with you (oh, but I should say those virtues are innate to filipinos)

    well done

    Quote Originally Posted by markieFHM View Post
    Don't mention your bachelors degree or any other degree you have gained from the Phil. So when you are applying for that lowly paid job the interviewer won't be put off!!!
    yep, no one wants to employ you if you are more intelligent that the boss/interviewer, they are scared that you will take over their jobs (doh!)

    Quote Originally Posted by Peanutz View Post

    To sum up:
    Language- High importance
    Self confidence- very important
    Professional attitude- important
    CV- important
    Appearance- important
    And never, never say negative things!
    If you need to say negative things, do it with nonchalance and a smile...

    well said too!

    Quote Originally Posted by Peanutz View Post
    Open your horizon and widen your knowledge, never get tired to enriched your self and your skills.

    Go to college (UK) and enroll yourself to get a qualification here in the UK. Enroll in short term courses that will benefit you in applying jobs.

    [QUOTE=itsme_iye;96867]>>>Having a degree doesn't guarantee you a job, much more a job that you like. Majority of the work depends on the individual, the degree is just something to beautify you.
    >>>I don't believe that Philippine Education is so behind as compared to US, Canada or the UK standards. However, i believe that there is a "general impression" that Phil. education is not at par with their standards - this is where you prove them wrong but it won't be easy.
    >>>For those that have thought that they are over qualified - Never assume that they think highly of you. Assume the opposite and then work your way up. Once they realize your potential, things will be easier because they will now view you as "one of them".
    >>>Even in the Philippines, being competent in the English language will open a lot of opportunity for you.
    >>>Never think that the interviewer is being intimidated by you if you have a good education back home. It's the other way around - NO British experience.(this is for first timers seeking for a job). You just need to stumble upon that company that will take its chance on you.
    >>>And lastly, it is not true that our Education in the Phils is not recognized. It is just that it won't be the basis in hiring but still they will look into your CV if you had studied and what course.QUOTE]

    again all have been said are all true!

    having a good educational background/has got a very high educational attainment will not always guarantee you to secure a job in the UK but it will help you in the future (once you already have the job) your experiences, skills & knowledge will be very helpful in doing your daily work because you have already got the edge in your chosen field.

    UK vs PI Educational attainment Compared
    Infant School - Toddler School
    Preschool - Preschool/ Kindergarten
    Primary School - Elementary
    Junior/Senior School - Highschool
    College - VOCATIONAL COURSE!!! short term 1month - 2yrs schooling (Baking, Cosmetics/Beautician, Photography, Sewing, Basic Engineering, Basic Bookkeeping

    University - College 1st-4th year!!!!
    Doctoral/Masteral/PhD - Same

    back in the PI we sometimes look down on those people who have not taken College degrees like BS Accounting, BS Engineering, BA in ENglish, BS Teaching or have just finished vocational degree: Mechanics, Refrigiration, Technician, Plumbing (college equivalent in the UK)...

    SO made you think?
    Is it really worth it to finish 4-5 years in College just to get that Bachelors Degree Diploma (having unnecessary subjects which are very irrelevant to your Course: Social Arts, Homeroom, Philosophy, Psychology, Pscychiatry, High Maths, Physical Education, Typing, Love Courtship & Marriage, Religion and others)?
    Or are those who have finished Vocational Courses are more clever coz they took the straight to the point courses?

  3. #3
    andypaul's Avatar
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    [quote=Jay&Zobel;101376]Spent lots of money to have a good education in the PI and then went to UK to do housekeeeping... hay hay buhay! very ironic right? things we do for our husbands hehe...

    [quote=Les_lady888;53751]To sum it up, I can see from your posts that getting a Bachelors Degree in Phils wont easily make u get a job in the following should also be taken into consideration:
    1. One must know how to drive well;
    2. Better to sign up with various employment agencies;
    3. Must always have map to know the way around or should know her way around (just in case prospect office is far from residence);
    4. Must of course can speak and write good english (jeeze, I need to learn more on that )
    5. Must look smart and professional during interviews;
    6. Meet Patience and Perseverance and make sure they are always with you (oh, but I should say those virtues are innate to filipinos)

    well done

    yep, no one wants to employ you if you are more intelligent that the boss/interviewer, they are scared that you will take over their jobs (doh!)

    well said too!

    Go to college (UK) and enroll yourself to get a qualification here in the UK. Enroll in short term courses that will benefit you in applying jobs.

    Quote Originally Posted by itsme_iye View Post
    >>>Having a degree doesn't guarantee you a job, much more a job that you like. Majority of the work depends on the individual, the degree is just something to beautify you.
    >>>I don't believe that Philippine Education is so behind as compared to US, Canada or the UK standards. However, i believe that there is a "general impression" that Phil. education is not at par with their standards - this is where you prove them wrong but it won't be easy.
    >>>For those that have thought that they are over qualified - Never assume that they think highly of you. Assume the opposite and then work your way up. Once they realize your potential, things will be easier because they will now view you as "one of them".
    >>>Even in the Philippines, being competent in the English language will open a lot of opportunity for you.
    >>>Never think that the interviewer is being intimidated by you if you have a good education back home. It's the other way around - NO British experience.(this is for first timers seeking for a job). You just need to stumble upon that company that will take its chance on you.
    >>>And lastly, it is not true that our Education in the Phils is not recognized. It is just that it won't be the basis in hiring but still they will look into your CV if you had studied and what course.QUOTE]

    again all have been said are all true!

    having a good educational background/has got a very high educational attainment will not always guarantee you to secure a job in the UK but it will help you in the future (once you already have the job) your experiences, skills & knowledge will be very helpful in doing your daily work because you have already got the edge in your chosen field.

    UK vs PI Educational attainment Compared
    Infant School - Toddler School
    Preschool - Preschool/ Kindergarten
    Primary School - Elementary
    Junior/Senior School - Highschool
    College - VOCATIONAL COURSE!!! short term 1month - 2yrs schooling (Baking, Cosmetics/Beautician, Photography, Sewing, Basic Engineering, Basic Bookkeeping

    University - College 1st-4th year!!!!
    Doctoral/Masteral/PhD - Same

    back in the PI we sometimes look down on those people who have not taken College degrees like BS Accounting, BS Engineering, BA in ENglish, BS Teaching or have just finished vocational degree: Mechanics, Refrigiration, Technician, Plumbing (college equivalent in the UK)...

    SO made you think?
    Is it really worth it to finish 4-5 years in College just to get that Bachelors Degree Diploma (having unnecessary subjects which are very irrelevant to your Course: Social Arts, Homeroom, Philosophy, Psychology, Pscychiatry, High Maths, Physical Education, Typing, Love Courtship & Marriage, Religion and others)?
    Or are those who have finished Vocational Courses are more clever coz they took the straight to the point courses?
    An Excellent post

    I would echo that English skills are vital. If unsure what you want to do basic computing skills are useful as so many jobs in the UK involve computers even working in a coffe shop the wife used to have to use a PC. While in many work enviroments PC's are quite rare.

    Even if I compare say the Wifes local Town hall to a british one. Every desk in the UK has a PC in Phill i cant rember seeing one from my quick walk though.

  4. #4
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post

    An Excellent post

    I would echo that English skills are vital. If unsure what you want to do basic computing skills are useful as so many jobs in the UK involve computers even working in a coffe shop the wife used to have to use a PC. While in many work enviroments PC's are quite rare.

    Even if I compare say the Wifes local Town hall to a british one. Every desk in the UK has a PC in Phill i cant rember seeing one from my quick walk though.

    Salamat po! ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH!! made me think to take IELTS hehe...doh! i'm rubbish in taking tests! hehe i havent took the Life in the UK test yet hehe..doh!

    I flunked CPA Board! Certified Public Accountants' Board exams in the PI hehe... But hehe, my boss said: i should be paid higher than what im earning now? lol (hehe, ooops sorry a bit arrogant there... lol)

    so Miss Penny is indeed overqualified in her present job... hay hay buhay (sigh sigh life)

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay&Zobel View Post
    I flunked CPA Board! Certified Public Accountants' Board exams in the PI hehe... But hehe, my boss said: i should be paid higher than what im earning now? lol (hehe, ooops sorry a bit arrogant there... lol)
    your not the only one to flunk CPA, my misses brother did to, but he has no excuse, as his mom is head of accountancy at Palawan state uni !

    many people are over qualified for the job they do, my misses is more qualified than her manager and many she works with, even Brits are over qualified to do the job they do, but you have to start somewhere (bottom of the ladder) and work your way up ..

    just keep trying.. :o)

  6. #6
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    your not the only one to flunk CPA, my misses brother did to, but he has no excuse, as his mom is head of accountancy at Palawan state uni !

    many people are over qualified for the job they do, my misses is more qualified than her manager and many she works with, even Brits are over qualified to do the job they do, but you have to start somewhere (bottom of the ladder) and work your way up ..

    just keep trying.. :o)

    YEAH, DEFINITELY! hehe thank you po!

    My classmate in Highschool & College who's always the TOP STUDENT: got the highest honours: ELEMENTARY& HIGHSCHOOL:VALEDICTORIAN,
    COLLEGE: SUMA CUM LAUDE hehe Flunked the CPA Board! Now heehhe tell me, is education really matters? hehehehe funny

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    why don't you take the exam here ?

    i thought it is internationally recognised ?

  8. #8
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    [QUOTE=Jay&Zobel;101376]Spent lots of money to have a good education in the PI and then went to UK to do housekeeeping... hay hay buhay! very ironic right? things we do for our husbands hehe...

    [QUOTE=Les_lady888;53751]To sum it up, I can see from your posts that getting a Bachelors Degree in Phils wont easily make u get a job in the following should also be taken into consideration:
    1. One must know how to drive well;
    2. Better to sign up with various employment agencies;
    3. Must always have map to know the way around or should know her way around (just in case prospect office is far from residence);
    4. Must of course can speak and write good english (jeeze, I need to learn more on that )
    5. Must look smart and professional during interviews;
    6. Meet Patience and Perseverance and make sure they are always with you (oh, but I should say those virtues are innate to filipinos)

    well done

    yep, no one wants to employ you if you are more intelligent that the boss/interviewer, they are scared that you will take over their jobs (doh!)

    well said too!

    Go to college (UK) and enroll yourself to get a qualification here in the UK. Enroll in short term courses that will benefit you in applying jobs.

    Quote Originally Posted by itsme_iye View Post
    >>>Having a degree doesn't guarantee you a job, much more a job that you like. Majority of the work depends on the individual, the degree is just something to beautify you.
    >>>I don't believe that Philippine Education is so behind as compared to US, Canada or the UK standards. However, i believe that there is a "general impression" that Phil. education is not at par with their standards - this is where you prove them wrong but it won't be easy.
    >>>For those that have thought that they are over qualified - Never assume that they think highly of you. Assume the opposite and then work your way up. Once they realize your potential, things will be easier because they will now view you as "one of them".
    >>>Even in the Philippines, being competent in the English language will open a lot of opportunity for you.
    >>>Never think that the interviewer is being intimidated by you if you have a good education back home. It's the other way around - NO British experience.(this is for first timers seeking for a job). You just need to stumble upon that company that will take its chance on you.
    >>>And lastly, it is not true that our Education in the Phils is not recognized. It is just that it won't be the basis in hiring but still they will look into your CV if you had studied and what course.QUOTE]

    again all have been said are all true!

    having a good educational background/has got a very high educational attainment will not always guarantee you to secure a job in the UK but it will help you in the future (once you already have the job) your experiences, skills & knowledge will be very helpful in doing your daily work because you have already got the edge in your chosen field.

    UK vs PI Educational attainment Compared
    Infant School - Toddler School
    Preschool - Preschool/ Kindergarten
    Primary School - Elementary
    Junior/Senior School - Highschool
    College - VOCATIONAL COURSE!!! short term 1month - 2yrs schooling (Baking, Cosmetics/Beautician, Photography, Sewing, Basic Engineering, Basic Bookkeeping

    University - College 1st-4th year!!!!
    Doctoral/Masteral/PhD - Same

    back in the PI we sometimes look down on those people who have not taken College degrees like BS Accounting, BS Engineering, BA in ENglish, BS Teaching or have just finished vocational degree: Mechanics, Refrigiration, Technician, Plumbing (college equivalent in the UK)...

    SO made you think?
    Is it really worth it to finish 4-5 years in College just to get that Bachelors Degree Diploma (having unnecessary subjects which are very irrelevant to your Course: Social Arts, Homeroom, Philosophy, Psychology, Pscychiatry, High Maths, Physical Education, Typing, Love Courtship & Marriage, Religion and others)?
    Or are those who have finished Vocational Courses are more clever coz they took the straight to the point courses?

    brilliant post.

  9. #9
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    not just car wash places, restaurants, farms, takeaways, anywhere that uses lower skilled labour..

    you say that their legal, well the one near me obviously wasn't employing legal workers or he wouldn't have got fined £15k!

    with your lord major bungling boris johnson talking about an amnesty for illegal immigrants, it will never happen, he doesn't have the power, and no british gov will do it, more people will come here illegally and wait for the next amnesty. something Spain found out the hard way.
    I know severla places have ilegal workers but i think many of the ones near us have been turned over so often and the jobs market has slowed down now that they have no need for ilegals.Many are now prepared to do the work, i now see Indian and african workers in the car washs as well as those who could well be Brit or western european.

    Our Boris who i think is doing ok, hes not the lord mayor of the city of london thats the other one no body ever knows the name of.

    I think Brois is one of those who has too many ideas sometimes. He does have a point no way are all of them going to be deported it would take to long and cost to much. But then no way can you be seen to condon coming here breaking the law.
    As he pointed out his duty is to be the voice of london as well as havings some powers in London.

    Who does manchester have as mayor or leader, or are they silll waiting for democracy up there

  10. #10
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    Who does manchester have as mayor or leader, or are they silll waiting for democracy up there
    people power that's what Andy, remember ollie Cromwell

    peeps in Manchester are voting on the congestion charge !, its funny to see first buses have put 'vote yes' on the back of every seat on all their buses, all the £$£%% thru the door, telling us to vote yes, one sided campaign, but peel holdings, owners of the Trafford centre have got 'vote no' signs everywhere around the Trafford centre.

    from the local newspaper were told most people want to vote yes !!!! hahahaha, sorry my smilies icons are not werking, need to reboot pc,,

    like %$%%^£%£$ most want it, i think it will be a big NO vote,, and bye bye charge !! :o)

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