Originally Posted by
>>>Having a degree doesn't guarantee you a job, much more a job that you like. Majority of the work depends on the individual, the degree is just something to beautify you.
>>>I don't believe that Philippine Education is so behind as compared to US, Canada or the UK standards. However, i believe that there is a "general impression" that Phil. education is not at par with their standards - this is where you prove them wrong but it won't be easy.
>>>For those that have thought that they are over qualified - Never assume that they think highly of you. Assume the opposite and then work your way up. Once they realize your potential, things will be easier because they will now view you as "one of them".
>>>Even in the Philippines, being competent in the English language will open a lot of opportunity for you.
>>>Never think that the interviewer is being intimidated by you if you have a good education back home. It's the other way around - NO British experience.(this is for first timers seeking for a job). You just need to stumble upon that company that will take its chance on you.
>>>And lastly, it is not true that our Education in the Phils is not recognized. It is just that it won't be the basis in hiring but still they will look into your CV if you had studied and what course.QUOTE]
again all have been said are all true!
having a good educational background/has got a very high educational attainment will not always guarantee you to secure a job in the UK but it will help you in the future (once you already have the job) your experiences, skills & knowledge will be very helpful in doing your daily work because you have already got the edge in your chosen field.
UK vs PI Educational attainment Compared
Infant School - Toddler School
Preschool - Preschool/ Kindergarten
Primary School - Elementary
Junior/Senior School - Highschool
College - VOCATIONAL COURSE!!! short term 1month - 2yrs schooling (Baking, Cosmetics/Beautician, Photography, Sewing, Basic Engineering, Basic Bookkeeping
University - College 1st-4th year!!!!
Doctoral/Masteral/PhD - Same
back in the PI we sometimes look down on those people who have not taken College degrees like BS Accounting, BS Engineering, BA in ENglish, BS Teaching or have just finished vocational degree: Mechanics, Refrigiration, Technician, Plumbing (college equivalent in the UK)...
SO made you think?
Is it really worth it to finish 4-5 years in College just to get that Bachelors Degree Diploma (having unnecessary subjects which are very irrelevant to your Course: Social Arts, Homeroom, Philosophy, Psychology, Pscychiatry, High Maths, Physical Education, Typing, Love Courtship & Marriage, Religion and others)?
Or are those who have finished Vocational Courses are more clever coz they took the straight to the point courses?