I have a degree in chemistry. There are lack of scientist degree out there now. But the pay sucks for the work involved. I have met many of you pychology graduates before.But you have to ask yourself? What skills are transferable to a job. Of course studying Friedrich_Nietzsche, you must be able to speak on your subject. I would assume from that public speaking is not a problem for you? So its useful in presentation ideas and pitching stuff. Marketing?

From my experiences, education is being dumbed down. I know that for a fact since I was the last to do O grades in 1990 before they were scrapped for Standard Grades, with there so called coursework, and core studies. That transition period was full of strikes. The teachers that were old and strict retired.And new teachers came in with a new attitude of... wanting to be your friend,not your teacher. Weird.
If you have kids doing these now,the content is questionable. I heard phrases like "well I got 40% on my coursework so I don't need high mark in my final exam" "Maybe I won't turn up" hmmm, maybe i won't turn up for the heart operation tomorrow jimmy.

People left school with O grades in 4th year for a reason. That was it. They were equipped. Those that wanted more stayed. The Arithmetic O grade paper was one of the most important and now people watch Carol Vorderman thinking shes clever doing sums. how i hate that woman.Plsss, children need better role models than this. Anyways. I am just waffling.

Heres a report about bringing back counting inside the head..http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/thereport...ated_move.html

Anyways try these websites and put ur CV up there too. It is useful to let them headhunt you. And remember, if you got to the interview stage, you are doing the right things. You are impressing people enough to get there. Keep at it. Good luck
