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Thread: Why is it so difficult to get a job here?

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  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    check with to see if your paper carries much weight

    in some cases what you say maybe true, but don't put down the many qualified nurses who work here in the uk, and to suggest that degrees are worthless is , in the case of my misses she has a degree in biology and her medical degree is recognised by the GMC.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    check with to see if your paper carries much weight

    in some cases what you say maybe true, but don't put down the many qualified nurses who work here in the uk, and to suggest that degrees are worthless is , in the case of my misses she has a degree in biology and her medical degree is recognised by the GMC.
    Accepted, of course. My wife registered with Naric when she first arrived in the UK and they gave her nil credit, absolutely ziltch, for all her efforts in the Philippines. Nurses have to undergo an adaptation course before they can start to work but their degrees, and other medical based ones, appear to have some real value. Of course such arrivals will almost always have a job to go to and their qualification thoroughly checked before their visa issued. My main point was to try to ensure that the level of expectation is not too high so that other newcomers remain realistic. We have many Filipino friends who have arrived with the belief that their commercial "degree" will smooth their path into a "good" job who ended up disappointed.

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