Hi to everyone,
It’s been a long absence; I have not been able to visit the forum for a looong time. Lot of things happened in my life since the last time I posted in the forum. Last September 2008, after 6 months working as a temp, I have been offered a contract. You can all imagine my happiness when I signed the contract. During this time, my life cycle turned into work, home, and work.
Every morning I wake up at 6 am, I make energy smoothie drink for myself and hubby, buttered toast and tea for breakfast, watched BBC news for five minutes and we get ready for the day ahead of us. I worked hard every single day, I set a target to do at work and I ensure that I will deliver that target by the end of the day. I have been assigned various projects, which I am so happy to do and I showed my enthusiasm to do it.
Those projects have been delivered on time. Our clients have been so happy with the results that they wanted me to manage the operations in South Africa. My company gave me a very good appraisal and I earned my ‘kudos’...I was getting there...I was getting there...
A manager post has been vacated inside the company; I have been pushed with my colleagues to go for it. I applied and afterwards we went for our holiday in Philippines...home at last. We spent almost a month with my family, I never been so overwhelmed of joy and happiness in my life; it was the first time after 30 years that my family are all present to celebrate Christmas day together.
We went in Boracay island and we stayed in a lovely hotel called ‘Asya’. Boracay is a beautiful place, but its beauty is rapidly disappearing, the evident impact of tourism. I have been enchanted when we visited Palawan island, we went in Sabang and stayed in a lovely resort called ‘Daluyon’. What a peaceful remote small fisherman village, I was amazed of the place and I thought that if I were to make a choice where to spend the rest of my life, I would choose to live there without a single doubt in my heart.
We were in lying next to the resort pool when the news arrived. The job has been offered to me!!! Ten people have applied to this role!!! Can you believe it??? No, neither do I...I did it! I did it! Oh yeah, I DID IT!
I would like to share this experience to everyone. When you aim for something, no matter how hard or difficult it would be...do not surrender to any adversities...Go for it and believe me...You can make it (this sounds familiar to me... J)
Good luck to everyone who are in job hunting.
I am back, I will try to pop up every now and then, I miss you guys and I love this forum.
Ate Ping, I miss you too!![]()