I thought having a good educational background and great working experience will place my feet in a greater position to get a job here. We as filipinos has this culture of helping our families back home and I have obligation to fulfill. I just felt bad that having great experience and degree isn't enough to get the job. I had interview yesterday from one of the hotel for receptionist position and after all the great compliments that I received from the interviewer I still ended the day with unfortunate message of not getting the job.
Hi, Rita...Don't give up...You're not alone...I received the same treatment as well. I used to complain the same. Asked the same questions. Even claimed I was a victim of racial discrimination...but it never stop me from fulfilling my goal to land a job...Reading informative threads from this forum and receiving advices from JoeBloggs, AndyPaul and the rest of good members here I took a course which I think will help me to gain qualifications, UK's demand, plus it helps me to stop from getting bored.

Don't worry, we will soon find a job.We can start from a blue collar job and get some experience from this country. Then, we will see. In the mean time...go find yourself another thing to do to polish your CV. Regards.