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Thread: Why is it so difficult to get a job here?

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  1. #1
    Respected Member hilda_danao's Avatar
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    Hi singkit!
    oh you won't believe it! i have just researched about sage softwares. latest sage line 50 is now called Sage 50 accounts 2008. just cost £616.88 don't bother buying it unless u have ur own business. if you wanna have a look, here's the link:

    the software i got here at home is sage instant accounts which im using for my course. it all cost me over £500. im only after the diploma really. then study sage line 50 on my own.

  2. #2
    Respected Member singkit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hilda_danao View Post
    Hi singkit!
    oh you won't believe it! i have just researched about sage softwares. latest sage line 50 is now called Sage 50 accounts 2008. just cost £616.88 don't bother buying it unless u have ur own business. if you wanna have a look, here's the link:

    the software i got here at home is sage instant accounts which im using for my course. it all cost me over £500. im only after the diploma really. then study sage line 50 on my own.
    Good job Hildz, better do something worthwhile while waiting for a job we want. We don't just waste another time, but we spend it wise...and it refreshes our skills as well. AGA sounds good, huh
    A winning horse doesn't know why it runs in a race.
    It runs because of the hits of pain.
    Life is a race. God is your rider.
    So if you're in pain,
    then think God wants you to win

  3. #3
    Respected Member Les_lady888's Avatar
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    Preparations to get a job in UK

    To sum it up, I can see from your posts that getting a Bachelors Degree in Phils wont easily make u get a job in the following should also be taken into consideration:

    1. One must know how to drive well;
    2. Better to sign up with various employment agencies;
    3. Must always have map to know the way around or should know her way around (just in case prospect office is far from residence);
    4. Must of course can speak and write good english (jeeze, I need to learn more on that )
    5. Must look smart and professional during interviews;
    6. Meet Patience and Perseverance and make sure they are always with you (oh, but I should say those virtues are innate to filipinos)

    Anything else?? Can you add more????

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Hi Guys!

    I have not been on for a while but maybe my experience will give a bit of hope to filipinos...Like most of you I have a bachelor's degree in accounting back home, never took up CPA exam, 1 year audit experience, 3 years finance & admin assistant experience in the Phils., 2 years in Saudi as executive assistant plus 14 units of MBA which I didn't finish back home in Ateneo.

    I came here with the heart to start as a crew at Mc Donald's. As soon as I got my FLR, I thought It won't hurt to try applying for jobs which I know quite well. Just a try, I thought. I applied for any jobs I see on newspaper, internet...etc. I managed to get a job as finance assistant in 1 month at a local government, worked hard, closed my ears and eyes to office politics i.e. gossips and monsters in the office. I tried to apply for promotion after 5 mos but was turned down due to lack of enough experience for the higher post. I was tasked to do a high level job but being paid as assistant until I realised they were just taking advantage of me. I tried applying again within the same organisation when a vacancy came up, but this time I was turned down for office politics again i.e. could be racial but I can't tell. They're usually very good at cover up. Anyway, I tried again for 3rd time by applying in another team as finance officer in the same organisation but this time I brought home the bacon! It was my moment! When the boss in my team knew about it, he offered the same level of job but I refused. In my mind, I said, too late, bitch!

    I'm taking AAT and I will finish it next year and of course it's for free. I am looking forward to applying for my next promotion and do higher level studies.

    I know discrimination exists either for real and sometimes simply in our mind...WE SHOULD NOT LET ANYBODY PUT US DOWN BECAUSE OF OUR RACE.

    - Practise developing your English language, accent, and confidence which are vital in this day and age. They judge people by how they speak and look, so make sure you are very smart and confident or at least appear to be like it during interviews.

    Don't give up, keep fighting, we have a degree. Show that you know what they ask and that you are the right person for the job.

    Smile (which is our mark as Pinoys) and show you have a positive attitude which will take you farther in your career.



  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by rands View Post
    I have not been on for a while but maybe my experience will give a bit of hope to filipinos...Like most of you I have a bachelor's degree in accounting back home, never took up CPA exam, 1 year audit experience, 3 years finance & admin assistant experience in the Phils., 2 years in Saudi as executive assistant plus 14 units of MBA which I didn't finish back home in Ateneo.

    I came here with the heart to start as a crew at Mc Donald's. As soon as I got my FLR, I thought It won't hurt to try applying for jobs which I know quite well. Just a try, I thought. I applied for any jobs I see on newspaper, internet...etc. I managed to get a job as finance assistant in 1 month at a local government, worked hard, closed my ears and eyes to office politics i.e. gossips and monsters in the office. I tried to apply for promotion after 5 mos but was turned down due to lack of enough experience for the higher post. I was tasked to do a high level job but being paid as assistant until I realised they were just taking advantage of me. I tried applying again within the same organisation when a vacancy came up, but this time I was turned down for office politics again i.e. could be racial but I can't tell. They're usually very good at cover up. Anyway, I tried again for 3rd time by applying in another team as finance officer in the same organisation but this time I brought home the bacon! It was my moment! When the boss in my team knew about it, he offered the same level of job but I refused. In my mind, I said, too late, bitch!

    I'm taking AAT and I will finish it next year and of course it's for free. I am looking forward to applying for my next promotion and do higher level studies.

    I know discrimination exists either for real and sometimes simply in our mind...WE SHOULD NOT LET ANYBODY PUT US DOWN BECAUSE OF OUR RACE.

    - Practise developing your English language, accent, and confidence which are vital in this day and age. They judge people by how they speak and look, so make sure you are very smart and confident or at least appear to be like it during interviews.

    Don't give up, keep fighting, we have a degree. Show that you know what they ask and that you are the right person for the job.

    Smile (which is our mark as Pinoys) and show you have a positive attitude which will take you farther in your career.



    We have same degree and same feeling. That's why I enrolled my courses.I tried to enrol ECDL computing but according to our local college, I need to finish first the Intro to Computing. I feel boring and silly because I'm always the first one who finished our works. My classmates are almost all elderly and first time in PC. My teacher said, she will talk to the higher-ups if I can be assessed early and jump for a higher level. Will wait for that

  6. #6
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    try temping also as this can get your foot in the door. the company i work for employs so many temps and some are converted over to regular employees.

    good luck

  7. #7
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gadgets View Post
    try temping also as this can get your foot in the door. the company i work for employs so many temps and some are converted over to regular employees.

    good luck
    Good advice also gives you a chance to try out different work enviroments. So you can get an idea of good and bad employers.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Les_lady888 View Post
    To sum it up, I can see from your posts that getting a Bachelors Degree in Phils wont easily make u get a job in the following should also be taken into consideration:

    1. One must know how to drive well;
    2. Better to sign up with various employment agencies;
    3. Must always have map to know the way around or should know her way around (just in case prospect office is far from residence);
    4. Must of course can speak and write good english (jeeze, I need to learn more on that )
    5. Must look smart and professional during interviews;
    6. Meet Patience and Perseverance and make sure they are always with you (oh, but I should say those virtues are innate to filipinos)

    Anything else?? Can you add more????
    Don't mention your bachelors degree or any other degree you have gained from the Phil. So when you are applying for that lowly paid job the interviewer won't be put off!!!

  9. #9
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    discrimination is more wide spread in the phils than in the uk, age, height, etc

    as for qualifications depends on the job your applying for, my misses was even told at interviews, "sorry, your over qualified, i've just realised what qualifications you've got", so we took off her cv she had a biology and medicine degree, adjust your CV for the job your applying for. as for discrimination about promotion, just becuase you didn't get it, you think of reasons why you didn't, and it's easy for the race excuse to pop up..

    as for your degree, you can get it evaluated by

    and you can compare your degree to an english one..

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