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Thread: Why is it so difficult to get a job here?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Les_lady888 View Post
    To sum it up, I can see from your posts that getting a Bachelors Degree in Phils wont easily make u get a job in the following should also be taken into consideration:

    1. One must know how to drive well;
    2. Better to sign up with various employment agencies;
    3. Must always have map to know the way around or should know her way around (just in case prospect office is far from residence);
    4. Must of course can speak and write good english (jeeze, I need to learn more on that )
    5. Must look smart and professional during interviews;
    6. Meet Patience and Perseverance and make sure they are always with you (oh, but I should say those virtues are innate to filipinos)

    Anything else?? Can you add more????
    Don't mention your bachelors degree or any other degree you have gained from the Phil. So when you are applying for that lowly paid job the interviewer won't be put off!!!

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    discrimination is more wide spread in the phils than in the uk, age, height, etc

    as for qualifications depends on the job your applying for, my misses was even told at interviews, "sorry, your over qualified, i've just realised what qualifications you've got", so we took off her cv she had a biology and medicine degree, adjust your CV for the job your applying for. as for discrimination about promotion, just becuase you didn't get it, you think of reasons why you didn't, and it's easy for the race excuse to pop up..

    as for your degree, you can get it evaluated by

    and you can compare your degree to an english one..

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