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Thread: Why is it so difficult to get a job here?

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  1. #1
    Respected Member
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    This is not discrimination at all, although many Filipinos seem to believe it is. The education system in the Philippines, where I am right now, is very different to the UK and the "degrees" given are simply not accepted at home. I could bang on about how the system here is another form of corruption and is selling false dreams to the poor but the result is that they won't count for anything in the UK as my wife found out the hard way. She had to go to college for 2 years in the UK so she could get the job she wanted. My advice is to use the personal approach and convince employers through the force of your personality rather than through the hope of your CV or paper qualifications. Network, visit people, ask questions, offer to help, do voluntary or charitable work. Demonstrate how great you are rather than expect them to be impressed by paper, because they won't be.

  2. #2
    Respected Member
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    Thats a very good point David. From what i`ve read on here many people can impress potential employers with their enthusiasm and positive outlook.
    Also making as many friends as possible helps as someone always knows someone else thats looking to employ new staff. Though maybe with the current financial climate that may prove to be harder than usual.
    Forget about the paperwork and try to impress using YOURSELF.
    Good luck with your search.

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