Here is some tips I learned about the CNI & Embassy Visa Prcoessing.
For CNI.
1. Go to your local registra which is your postal town.
2. You will need to take certain documents & information.
a) The date & time of the wedding.
b) The name & address of the place it will be officated.
c) Name of her parents, DOB , address & occupation.
d) Your fathers name, DOB & occupation.
e) Your passport.
f) Bank statement to prove your address.
g) Payment of £35 ( it is here not sure about other cities )
h) Your finacee's DOB, age and address, occupation.
i) Your age, occupation & DOB.
Your CNI is valid for 3 months from the date you applied. So timing of applying is important.
Ask the Registra to print out a copy of the CNI details. He or she will ask you to read it all and check for errors. I read mine but because I felt pressured I missed one letter mistake. You can take the copy and read it at leasure because the CNI can be ammended up to around the 19th day. So do CHECK it may be ask your fiancee to read it to , send her a PDF of it.
It will arrive by post in a nice offical envelope. Take a scan copy because embassy will require it and its good to have a back up.
VISA Extension for more than 21 days.
If you want to stay as I did for one month you will need to extend your standard 21 days.
You will need to print out the application form
Fill it all in in CAPTIALS and double check all your details are correct. I checked mine many times.
You can either take this to the Embassy In London or if you cannot do that take it to a PUBLIC NOTARY who will ask you to take an oath and then ask you to sign it there and then.
He will then crimp it with an official seal and sign that also and crimp the passport photo.
You will need to pay around £80 - £100 for this, but if your like me its worth having it done now rather than take a risk and for some reason it failed in the airport immigrations. BUT every one has their preferred way.
1. Your passport.
2. Passport photo.
3. Bank statement to prove you can support your self.
4. Certified copy of you bio page on your passport.
5. postal order for £22 payable to Philppines embassy.
6. Your application form Notarized.
7. Special delivery return envelope ( around £7 )
8. You must also send it special delivery.
You will recieve it back again within 5 days.
Pleae note if you plan to marry longer than 59 days in the future then dont get your visa just yet. The date it is stamped is the date the 59 days start so if you plan to marry in 3 months then better to wait until 1.5 months before your get married before you apply.
Wishing you all the best.
Its nice to give back some information after all the asking I have had to do.