BBC Three 9 pm The Call Centre
Madness ?? ........
BBC Three 9 pm The Call Centre
Madness ?? ........
Watching it now Peter!![]()
someone keeps calling our landline a few times a day,
today they got a load of
they better not phone again![]()
I thoroughly enjoyed it. Looking forward to next week's episode.![]()
Well, it's not only Nev the owner and CEO who's mad as a hatter; all the staff are mad too![]() haven't met me yet have you.
(36 years in direct sales, including 2 years running a call centre).
- Not defending today's call centre methods, but Nev is a real star in the industry.
(Repeated tonight BBC3).
I know an Aussie guy here (64 years old) that works in a call center (Management) and is making good money in local terms.. His Condo in Makati costs him 50,000 a month so he must be earning at least 3 times that amount IMO..
There are good opportunities here in the call center game.
After watching it last night, it looks as though lack of discipline seems to work in that establishment!![]()
They were being selective in the editing.
Most of the time, I think you'll find that those people are working pretty hard for their money....otherwise out the door.![]()
Tonight's episode.
One of the most entertaining programmes I've seen on the telly for a long time.
Makes me want to go back to work !![]()
Great programme
They will have to sell a bit more just been fined £225k
When i worked for a large insurer, i was directly responsible for software support for one of its call centres in Preston. Used to spend a lot of time up there fixing problems etc. The call centre agents had to work really hard and they would put in place all sorts of games etc between teams to get them selling more. Very competitive but great fun.
As i was often up there a week at a time we often would go out on drinking & partying sessions in Preston. Well they work hard but party harder! Many a brain cell destroyed on those nights. Great times with those folk from Preston as they were really friendly and great fun to be with.
I think the call centre closed and they all got made redundant with the work moving to India or similar!
Not much I can say really, as I'm actually an approved Nationwide surveyor, and have their survey forms on a shelf in this room...should I decide to do some more work for them.
Like so many aspects of marketing, ethical standards have dropped over the years.
As one area of marketing/selling has had restrictions imposed on it (like door knocking), another way of doing business has developed. Callcentres are a bit like leafleting...throw enoughat the wall, and some of it will stick.
As far back as the late 90s, for 2 years I was training people in the callcentre that my company had set up.
It irritates me no end when people phone me, but I have benefitted from it in my pocket too. I'm talking about home insulation etc, NOT payment protection and compensation claims.
As far as home insulation is concerned, I blame the government for running badly organised, amateurish and highly confusing schemes and campaigns over the past 10 years.
If they had done things properly and in a businesslike way, every home in the UK would now be fully insulated at an easily-affordable price, people wouldn't still be getting pestered, and I would be comfortably retired with a load of money in the bank.![]()
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