Hello again to all ..
I will try to keep this as brief as possible..My wife has been here almost a year and we recently (7th May 2013) won the long battle to get her son Jelly here, he is 6yrs old.
My wife has also recently given birth (25th May 2013) to our new baby boy.
I made a claim for child benefit for both boys and sent that of on Friday ..I am not expecting any problems ..
My problem is with my claim for working and child tax credits, I applied for the forms and filled them in ...just after Jelly arrived (around a month ago)
Today (Saturday) we received a letter from them :( basically asking for more information ..lol a lot more!! around 6 pages to fill in!! they are also requesting all our passports, and birth certificates (original)...the list goes on ...
My main issue is with the fact that they addressed there request to my wife Karen Dunkley?? I know by law it has to be a joint claim but the way I see it is my wife is the PARTNER on the original forms and me as the claimant.
So I made three phone calls to HMRC and explained that my wife is the PARTNER and it is me who is the main claimant!! I told them i was not happy with them making further requests regarding my application addressed to my wife ..If we was to fill out these new forms I personally would become the PARTNER ..
On all three occasions that I phoned I was told not to worry ..they said it is a joint application and I should do as they request !!!
I am still worried about this matter ..hence this post ...am I being to cynical ??