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Thread: Love - what is it? How do you describe it?

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  1. #1
    Respected Member ervenescence's Avatar
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    Love is merely madness...
    --William Shakespeare

    I totally agree with Shakespeare statement.
    I can't explain it to anyone because its too vague to describe it once it hits you hard. Love is not usually how we feel, its how we do.
    There is always death and taxes; however, death doesn't get worse every year.

  2. #2
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ervenescence View Post
    Love is merely madness...
    --William Shakespeare

    I totally agree with Shakespeare statement.
    I can't explain it to anyone because its too vague to describe it once it hits you hard. Love is not usually how we feel, its how we do.

    straight from the genitals

  3. #3
    Respected Member singkit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baboyako View Post

    straight from the genitals
    BaboyAko, you always make me laugh I still do not forget that link you put in your favorite song...
    A winning horse doesn't know why it runs in a race.
    It runs because of the hits of pain.
    Life is a race. God is your rider.
    So if you're in pain,
    then think God wants you to win

  4. #4
    Respected Member singkit's Avatar
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    when you feel like you were hit by a sucker punch...that's love.:bluegrab: It happens unexpectedly...
    A winning horse doesn't know why it runs in a race.
    It runs because of the hits of pain.
    Life is a race. God is your rider.
    So if you're in pain,
    then think God wants you to win

  5. #5
    Respected Member ervenescence's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baboyako View Post

    straight from the genitals

    love is a chemical
    straight from your genitals
    never is spiritual
    never unconditional
    love is a chemical
    nature is radical
    never is spiritual
    its mathematical

    LOL the tune.
    There is always death and taxes; however, death doesn't get worse every year.

  6. #6
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    "Love me without fear
    Trust me without questioning
    Need me without demanding
    Want me without restrictions
    Accept me without change
    Desire me without inhibitions."

    - Dick Sutphen

  7. #7
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    from "The Franklin's Tale" (Chaucer)

    For there is one thing I can safely say: that those bound by love must obey each other if they are to keep company long. Love will not be constrained by mastery; when mastery comes, the God of love at once beats his wings, and farewell -- he is gone. Love is a thing as free as any spirit; women naturally desire liberty, and not to be constrained like slaves; and so do men, if I shall tell the truth.

    See who is the most patient in love; he has the greatest advantage. Patience is surely a great virtue, for it vanquished, as these scholars say, things that rigor would never manage. One cannot scold or complain at every word. Learn to endure patiently, or else, as I live and breathe, you shall learn it whether you want or not. For certainly there is no one in the world who doesn't do or say something amiss. Anger, sickness, or planetary influences, wine, sorrow, or changing of disposition often causes one to do or speak amiss. One cannot be avenged for every wrong; according to the occasion, everyone who knows how, must use temperance. And therefore a wise man, in order to live in comfort, promises his lady forbearance, and she wisely gives her promise to him.

  8. #8
    Respected Member Les_lady888's Avatar
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    What is this thing called "LOVE"?

    "To describe love is very difficult, for the same reason that words cannot fully describe the flavor of an orange. You have to taste the fruit to know its flavor. So with love."

    "Could it be that Love is a story that can never be fully expressed?"

    Love is looking past imperfections in your partner and seeing the beautiful person inside. True love seeks the happiness and well being of your partner. Love expresses itself in the mutual respect you demonstrate to your partner."

    Love has no meaning other than the meaning "we" give it.

    "A sad thing about life is that when you meet someone who means a lot to you, you'll find out in the end that it was never bound to be and just have to let her go. Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one so when we finally meet the right person, we should know the grateful for the gift."

    "It hurts to LOVE someone and not be loved in return, but what is painful is to LOVE someone and never have the courage to let that person know how you feel. It is always better to have found the courage to LOVE even if you lose it in the end rather than losing love because your were afraid to face its challenge."

    "Love is a CHOICE! In every thing we do and in every way we respond to other people in that moment we choose to either come from our highest space of compassion, empathy and good will or a lesser space inside of ourselves. When we decide to approach ourselves or other people from that higher place we are choosing to love. In every moment, if we can just stop our and think for a second instead of just reacting, we have the opportunity to choose to love. No matter what the situation."

    "The secret of our being is not only to live but to have something to live for."

  9. #9
    Respected Member Les_lady888's Avatar
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    Are your palms sweaty, is your heart racing, And your voice caught within your chest?

    * It isn't Love, it's Like.

    You can't keep your eyes or hands off of them, am I right?

    * It isn't Love, it's Lust.

    Are you proud, and eager to show them off?

    * It isn't Love, it's Luck.

    Do you want them because you know they're there?

    * It isn't Love, it's Loneliness.

    Are you there because it's what everyone wants?

    * It isn't Love, it's Loyalty.

    Do you stay for their confessions of Love, because you don't want to hurt them?

    * It isn't Love, it's Pity.

    Are you there because they kissed you, or held your hand?

    * It isn't Love, it's being Unconfident.

    Do you belong to them because their sight makes your heart skip a beat?

    * It isn't Love, it's Infatuation.

    Do you pardon their faults because you care about them?

    * It isn't Love, it's Friendship.

    Do you tell them every day they are the only one you think of?

    * It isn't Love, it's a Lie.

    Are you willing to give all of your favorite things for their sake?

    * It isn't Love, it's Charity.

    Does your heart ache and break when they're sad?

    * Then it's Love.

    Are you attracted to others, but stay with them faithfully without regret?

    * Then it's Love.

    Do you accept their faults because they're a part of who they are?

    * Then it's Love.

    Do you cry for their pain, even when they're strong?

    * Then it's Love.

    Do their eyes see your true heart, and touch your soul so deeply it hurts?

    * Then it's Love.

    But do you stay because a blinding, incomprehensible mix of pain and elation pulls you close and holds you?

    * Then it's Love.

    Would you give them your heart, your life, your death?

    * Then it's Love.

    Now, if Love is painful, and tortures us so,
    why do we Love?
    Why is it all we search for in life?
    This pain, this agony?
    Why is it all we long for?
    This torture, this powerful death of self?
    Because it's...

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